The Fear of Failing Can Keep You From Flying

Jenna Kutcher 

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September 8, 2014



I get asked all of the time how I transitioned from Corporate America to owning a business, how I knew the timing was right, how I was prepared for the reality of taking a total leap of faith. While I have written on this a few times before, hindsight is always 20/20 and the deeper I get into my entrepreneurial ways, the more I seem to learn about that 23 year old who took a risk and succeeded. Looking back, while I had planned and prepped the best anyone can, I also wasn’t fully prepared for how different my reality was about to become. While the first bit of advice comes from the motherly nature in me, I want you to know that the dream chaser part of me wants to tell you to just : go for it. First things first, don’t be stupid. Plan it out, be wise, don’t make any rash decisions, and get your ducks in a row. I am not saying that you have to have it all figured out before you leap, but at least secure a net for yourself so that you have an even better chance at success. (Okay, stepping off of my motherly soapbox and hopping onto my dream chasing one.)

So you want to chase a dream? Right? Well, me too! First and foremost place your happiness in front of all other things including: money, wealth, and fame. If you chase happiness and do things that you love, chances are you will be successful. Secondly, define failure to yourself. When you actually think about what failing would look like for you, you might not be as scared as you once were. When I was first thinking about taking the leap and leaving my secure salary behind to chase dreams, I was so worried about failing. What would people think of me? What if I fell flat on my face? When I finally started to think about the word failure and what that would look like, it wasn’t so scary. So what if I had to go back to a corporate job? I had a degree, I had experience, to most people that wouldn’t be a failure. What if my business flopped and I was left with a pretty website and no clients? I could still shoot photos for me and my little family and that really isn’t a failure. When you start to really think of your idea of failing and what the action plan would be, it suddenly doesn’t seem as scary.

What if you fail? Oh, but darling, what if you fly? When I look back at the guts it took to send in my letter of resignation and prepare for a first season of 25 weddings, I wonder what was really going through my head. My “fake it ’til you make it” life was happening and was I really going to make it? Or was I one big phony who would flop? One of the biggest takeaways from my experience was that if you believe in yourself, people will believe in you. If you don’t think you have something special enough to invest in your dream, no one will join your cause. I walked into meetings like I had studied photography since the age of 3 and spoke about my experiences as a bride to couples who were going through the same process. I infused my goofy nature, my laid-back lingo, and my love of people into my business and slowly people started to get excited about what I was doing and who I was. It wasn’t overnight – in fact, it was a lot of sleepless nights but being in love with my craft, my work, led me to chase with reckless abandon while I took this business and dream to places I had never imagined.

Are you thinking about taking a leap of faith? Do you have a dream that you want to chase? Here is my wisdom to share: Chase happiness not money, when you are happy – the rest will follow. Refine your craft: live, sleep, breathe it all in.  Become an expert in what you want to do and share your passions with the world. Infuse the things that make you unique into each and every aspect of your work. Don’t hid what makes you different, celebrate it. At the end of the day, the risk of failing is minuscule compared to the chance of flying. You are your own worst critic so offer yourself some grace, a glass of wine, and a slap on the bum to keep chasing when things feel hard. You’ve got this, you’re smart, the world needs more dream chasers – I’ll be right behind you cheering you on.



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  1. Asia says:

    Thank you for this, Jenna!

  2. Anna Nyland says:

    Thank you for this post today Jenna, I have been working at my job for over 2 years and it is living in a corporate America world with the ever changing business environment. I have been contemplating applying for an education position for weeks and trying to decide my place in this world. After reading this post today I pressed submit for the education placement and who knows where it will lead me. The position that I applied for is taking baby steps because it is only a couple hours a day and I could still keep my current job too. I miss you Jenna! Next time you drive through Eau Claire you will have to let me know and maybe we can get coffee and chit chat. Love you! -Anna Nyland

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A small town Minnesota photographer, podcaster, educator and puppy rescuer, my happiest days are spent behind my computer screen sharing my secrets with the world. I'm glad you're here.

I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to make a living doing what they love (without it taking over their life). 

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