Oh, Instagram… that little app that we all love to scroll — and, as business owners, that we all get a little tired of sometimes. If Instagram seems to be sucking up a bunch of your time and creativity these days, I know how you feel. Even better, I’m here to help streamline your Instagram process… and get MORE results in LESS time so you can actually enjoy your time off the app. My goal for life? Live a life more beautiful offline, than the one presented online.
I first noticed that I was spending too much time on social media a few years back, and while I knew I needed to post consistently for my job, I wanted to free up my life a little bit. I got to work finding a better way to connect on Instagram, show up with confidence and a plan, automate some aspects of my social media presence, and (most importantly) create time to live my best life away from the app.
How to streamline your Instagram process
It’s been a long and ongoing experiment, but I’ve finally cracked the code to enjoy Instagram efficiently so I can log in with intention and then get off and get back to the life happening in front of me. You ready? Here are my 5 best tips to rock the ‘gram, and spend more quality time OFFline!
01. Use templates to streamline your Instagram process.
Oooh boy, I cannot tell you how much of a game-changer templates can be for your biz. If you constantly struggle to post consistent quotes and stories that align with your brand, get yourself on the template train!
I’ve found that it’s easiest to prep a handful of templates at once, saving them to a folder on my phone to post over time. Again, we’re all about working smarter, not harder, over here – so batch your work whenever you can and enjoy breezily posting a beautiful story or feed post in… just about two seconds flat.
The free design app Canva has amazing templates, so I always recommend that as a starting point. And right now, you can grab my Complete 60 Day Instagram Toolkit for FREE when you pre-order my new book, “How Are You, Really?” so you can get all kinds of tips for posting consistently and getting results you want on IG (without it taking over your life)!
02. Don’t post in real-time.
Life blesses us with some seriously beautiful moments. This is your reminder to enjoy them. If you find yourself in a gorgeous setting or a sweet moment with people you love, snap a quick photo or video, and then put your phone away to be present with what’s unfolding right in front of you. The internet doesn’t need to be updated on your exact location and activity as it’s happening, after all.
Later, after you’ve fully experienced the moment in its full, beautiful glory and are back on your couch or at your desk, you can evaluate the moment and really decide if you want to post that snapshot, and why (or why not).
Some moments were always meant to be just for you! If you do decide to share, having a little distance from the “real-time” moment takes away the need to immediately think up a caption. Instead, discern what you want to share and how to invite others into that moment.
03. Batch your content creation.
I know I just mentioned this when we talked about templates, but it’s seriously so important that I’m saying it again. Every week (or heck, even every month, if you’re up for the challenge!), sit down and plan your content strategy in advance. What do you want to promote? Any personal tidbits you’ve been hoping to share? Write it alllll down and get it on a schedule. That way, you’re not constantly worrying about what to post next to keep that ever-changing algorithm happy.
When I say “batch your work,” I really mean batch all of it. From selecting images to writing captions, researching hashtags or employing those templates to design quick graphics, sit down and knock it all out. I promise, it will make your relationship with Instagram immediately better.
04. Get consistent with your photo editing.
Did you know that I use ONE preset on every photo I post? Photo editing can be a major time waster if we aren’t careful, and I decided a long time ago that I was ready to get that time back. Using a single preset means I can scroll through my camera roll, decide what photos to share, and edit them with a single tap. No more adjusting and guessing – it’s magical.
Best of all, the single-preset approach gives a consistent feel to my feed, which helps my audience recognize the look and feel of my photos. It offers a cohesive brand experience without a complicated photo or video process. It’s truly so easy – and if you don’t know where to start, you’re in luck. I have a pack of 10 custom-curated presets that you can grab for free inside my Complete 60 Day Instagram Toolkit when you pre-order my book right now too!
05. Be intentional with your scrolling.
Look, if we’re honest, creating content doesn’t take up the majority of our time – it’s scrolling through our feeds all dang day. Instead of passively scrolling every time you get the impulse to check your phone, set up a timed system that keeps your engagement up while also giving you hours of your time back.
I genuinely believe you can keep the IG algorithm happy in less than a few minutes a day – especially when you have your content planned out and ready to post. Every week, take a little time to engage with other people’s content, respond to comments on your own feed posts, and post stories.
Condensing your time on the app will actually pack more of an intentional punch. Need some extra help sticking to that time block? Set app limits on your phone! This feature changed the game for me!
Join Me In my Plan for FREE with Pre-order of my Book
If you’re ready to dive even deeper into how to be more intentional with your time on Instagram (so you can enjoy your time OFF the ‘gram even more) – just preorder a copy of my new book, “How Are You, Really?” and score your free download of all the IG tricks, tips, and extras mentioned here, plus so much more. And best of all, we’ll get to celebrate this new book together. I truly cannot wait for you to read it! In the meantime, cheers to living your best life – on Instagram and off it.
Ready to rock it ONLINE so you can get to living your best life OFFLINE?
Grab Your Complete 60 Day Instagram Toolkit for FREE, when you pre-order my book HERE!