
The One Writing Exercise That Can Change Your Biz

Jenna Kutcher 

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December 13, 2017



Raise your hand if you feel boring? Well, good. That means you’re normal and not an egocentric, self-infatuated human. Tell me, have you ever scrolled through Instagram and wondered: how are these people SO interesting and here I am just punching that time clock or working on the couch every day? Yeah, me too, but here’s the deal: YOU ARE INTERESTING!

Today I am going to guide you through an exercise that an absolutely transform your brand, your business, heck even the confidence in yourself. It’s something that I have done and continue to do in my business as my brand evolves but it’s something I challenge every entrepreneur to do, this exercise will help you on those days you feel like you have nothing to say, nothing interesting to share, nothing to add to the world.

Define your passions and the stories surrounding them:

I want for you first ask yourself, “What am I most passionate about in this life?” if you’re struggling here, think about what you would do if you have an entirely free day and zero limits – what is it that would excite you? Now something tells me that whatever that thing is, it’s something that you are passionate about and there is likely a story behind that passion! One of the BEST ways we can start crafting your narrative is through digging deeper into the archives of your life to find the stories that help tell more about you, what you love, and why you love it.

Think of transformations in your life: 

People often get stumped here but absolutely every human being has been through a transformation in their life. People LOVE to hear about how you started in one place and transformed into a new location. (Hellllo, who doesn’t love seeing before and after photos and then learning how that transformation took place?) To give THIS story major power in terms of business, a transformation on how you got to where you are can open conversations up and allow people to see more of the journey that you’ve encountered.

Classic stories that create connection: 

A lot of times we have stories that are about our work: that share our product or service and while those are so valuable and have the ability to help us connect with our dream clients in giant ways, it’s also important to really figure out how you can connect beyond what you do – to create a more human experience that will give people a reason to follow you and/or trust you even IF they don’t currently need what you’re selling.

Think of stories from your childhood that have helped shape you into who you are, think of stories that help share more about what makes you, you, or stories that help share passions of yours beyond your job. You want to write these stories and carefully craft them in a way to make sure they are the most succinct, detail-rich, fun, and simple stories for you to tell because these may become your brand stories. The ones woven throughout your copy, your posts, your brand.

Where to share your stories: 

So maybe you’re wondering where you will use these stories? Well, these will be the stories you learn, practice, and tell often. You’ll weave them through every aspect of your brand from your email copy to Instagram captions, from your website wording to the stories you tell when you meet strangers at a cocktail party. Having 3-5 stories that you can tell and tell well, can give you confidence and give you a true, recognizable brand that creates a connection.

I know it’s easy to feel boring but there are stories that you can tell that can make you share context, passion, and perspective in the most powerful ways! When you can sit down and really take time to focus on telling your main stories well, removing any unnecessary details and focusing on telling them in the most captivating way, you can absolutely create a connection in a way that will convert clients into customers.

Grab your: How to Write Your Brand Stories Freebie

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  1. Jessica says:

    Jenna! I found you this week on Amy Porterfield’s podcast. I ALMOST didn’t listen to that episode because I feel like Pinterest is one of my strengths. And then I ALMOST didn’t listen to this episode because I didn’t think it would be applicable. I was wrong, and this was amazing. I’ve already known that I needed to add more of myself to my brand but this was a real (inspiring) kick in the pants. Thank you!

  2. Nikki says:

    thank you Jenna- you are very encouraging

  3. Ashley says:

    This is what I really need to hear this week as I am planning my content for next year, so thank you! <3

  4. Corrinne says:

    Thanks, Jenna!
    This clarifies some approaches that I have been considering. Great supplement to you IGLab as well!

  5. Liss Adrian says:

    This is very eye opening and informative. Thank you putting this in a way that is easy to understand and connect with.

  6. […] The One Writing Exercise That Can Change Your Biz- episode 109 […]


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Before you get any further... Hi! I'm Jenna Kutcher!

A small town Minnesota photographer, podcaster, educator and puppy rescuer, my happiest days are spent behind my computer screen sharing my secrets with the world. I'm glad you're here.

I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to make a living doing what they love (without it taking over their life). 

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