Why I CrossFit

Jenna Kutcher 

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April 24, 2013


Okay, I promise I am not someone who posts to Facebook every single time they hit the gym. I am also not a gal who would post photos of her non-existant abs to Instagram with a million hashtags… ever. I wanted to deliver this little project to my readers because a lot of my brides love to stay in shape and I can tell you one thing: CrossFit will kick your buns in the most glorious way possible. As a gal who has been an athlete from the age of 3, I have always loved challenging myself and working on getting better every day. I took my sports through college where I happily hung up my swimsuit and entered the real world of being a retired athlete. Sure, we would still run races from half marathons to fulls, but I would go from loving to hating working out far too quickly. When we left our beautiful Gold’s Gym and moved to our little farm town, I thought that I would never get back into it. I tried Jillian Michaels videos only to get sick of jumping in my living room and would head out to run thinking that I was getting a good enough workout… I was never totally out of shape but according the the BMI scale, I should probably be a bit taller… 



After my foot surgery last year that left me unable to work out and bedridden for weeks on end, I had officially hit a slump that proved really hard to get out of. Towards the end of my recovery I would go to our gym (which resembled more of a retirement facility) and bike in my cast for hours. Trying to propel myself into loving working out again, I made us sign up for another full marathon. I figured it would get me moving and motivated but boy, I was wrong. I had heard of CrossFit from a few different friends and it sounded like something I would like, but I pictured a bunch of huge dudes lifting weights and me looking like a fool. While in Seattle for CreativeLIVE I got to talking to a few ladies who were obsessed with CrossFit and who pushed me to give it a shot, I finally decided to give it a go. In January I started my journey and haven’t looked back ever since.

I had wondered why everyone who did it was so obsessed – surely they drank kool aid or something… right? Wrong, it just is that awesome. It influences so many aspects of your life that it is hard not to talk about it. Not only have I gained strength, skill, and drive… I have gained friendship, social interaction, and goals I never knew I wanted to accomplish. These people put up with me – fresh faced, unbrushed hair, mismatched socks looking more like Jay Leno than Jenna in the early morning… yeah, they are the best.

Every single morning I get up and go to my class, I am surrounded by a diverse group of people who encourage me in ways I never thought possible. I find myself lifting more weight than I did when I was a collegiate athlete and trying things I had deemed impossible just months ago. I am surrounded by people young and old, all different skill levels, personalities, and goals – yet we all cheer for one another, support one another, and care for one another. These are the people who encourage me, text me, go on double dates with, and pick me up off the ground after a crappy workout. This community of people has made me fall in love with this town we live in and look forward to working out everyday. If you are in a slump or even wanting to start getting back in shape, just do it. We all start somewhere and these are the people I want to surround myself on the best of the best days and on my worst days.

 I blame my sanity on CrossFit and find that it has positively impacted my life in so many ways. I am so grateful for my CrossFit family and friends and for the strength it has given me to fall in love with working out again… Thank you CrossFit Fort Atkinson for inspiring me and making me remember the athlete that I am. I was blessed to be able to shoot a little video at one of the workouts that was part of The Open, a division of the CrossFit games. People gathered to cheer on some of our best athletes during a series of workouts and I was there to shoot…

What are your favorite work out activities? Have you ever tried CrossFit? 

Become a fan of Crossfit Fort Atkinson // Become a fan of Photographs by Jenna Leigh


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  1. I’m happy your loving CF my friend!! 🙂

  2. Kate says:

    I’ve always wanted to try Crossfit, but I am so out of shape! There is NO way I’d be able to do what they do in your video! haha. I shall continue doing my puny workouts at my old folks gym. 🙂

  3. Joy+Amber says:

    You know I love every ounce of this post. Crossfit has changed my life too. If I can just get Joy to drink the kool aid too! 🙂

  4. I keep hearing about it, but have yet to try. Maybe I’ll get the courage up this fall! Way to stick with it!

  5. Kim Wilhite says:

    Jealous of all you Crossfit junkies!

  6. As a new Crossfit convert, I can appreciate this post:) I’m still a little nervous each time I go in. It certainly does kick my flat hiney tho;)

  7. Tracy says:

    I started CrossFit in late November and fell completely in love with it! I workout (and am starting to train!!) at my friends garage box! We have so much fun and we have a wide variety of people coming :). CrossFit has changed my life immensely, it has helped my marriage, my faith and discipline in everything. I will continue for the rest of my life!

  8. oh myyyyy. Just reading this post gives me the cold sweats. I won’t tell you what happened when I watched the vid… Which was fantastic btw!! I’d be terrified to even walk into that place. But very inspired by you and the other athletes out there!!

  9. Brenda Reed says:

    @ Kate or anyone who has not tried and is too scared. CrossFit is a great experience. In the video you watch some of the best athletes and they train everyday in order to get as good as they are. Anyone can do this. There are modifications to every movement and I would say the majority of CrossFitters in the Fort Atkinson location are just your average joes trying to get more fit. Not only do you get the best workouts you have ever gotten, the friendships you establish are worth it. Like a program like weight watchers they become your group and your motivation to get to the next work out. Thank you Jenna for writing such a great article. I started out as a 2 time a week cross fit person and have moved up to an everyday person. It is that addicting.

  10. Rebecca Anne says:

    Wonderful post. I’ve been slowly tempted more and more to look into crossfit as I’ve seen so many people loving it and the community they get from it.


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A small town Minnesota photographer, podcaster, educator and puppy rescuer, my happiest days are spent behind my computer screen sharing my secrets with the world. I'm glad you're here.

I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to make a living doing what they love (without it taking over their life). 

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