This Straightforward Exercise Will Pinpoint Your Superpower

Jenna Kutcher 

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February 19, 2020


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You may have heard me talk about the business course I took last year that’s been totally changing my world. My business coach Dean Graziosi launched it last May and I’ve gone through the content a few of times now because I find myself discovering new nuggets and ways I can implement the advice into my business and into the lives of my students, too.

One of the big things the course talks about is tapping into your superpower — this unique mix of knowledge and experience that only you have. I know ‘superpower’ sounds kind of cheesy or unrealistic, but stay with me here… You might consider it your core competencies or unique ability instead. Knowing your superpower will not only show you that you have a set of completely unique skills and gifts that you can offer to others, but it also allows you to tap into what you’re really good at and focus on those things to further move the needle in your life and business.

The whole underlying premise of getting in touch with your superpower is that you owe the world your knowledge. It’s truly THAT special. That thing that you know so well, your superpower, isn’t second nature to everyone, or others would have to work for years to gain the same level of knowledge that you have. And so many times, we’re so caught up in our busy lives with all this noise and chaos and with working our booties off to reach the next level, that we have no clue what our own superpower even is.

I want to dig into how what you do and what you know can come together in a really amazing way as your superpower, which you can actually turn into teachable material to share with the world. And before you hit play on a different episode because you’re worried this simply won’t apply to you, I just want you to know — it doesn’t need to be strictly business-related either!

If you’ve been wondering where your knowledge and natural talents meet in a way that you, too, can package them up and offer to others, this is the episode for you, my friend. Grab a pen and notebook, get cozy! You’re about to take a page out of the Knowledge Business Blueprint so get ready to do a little soul inspecting because this is gonna be real good, and real fun. Let’s get into the steps it takes to uncover your true superpower.

Understanding Superpowers

Often our superpower is something that comes really naturally to you or that you don’t really think about all that often. You likely have some sort of expertise, you probably have an online following and maybe even a business that you run. In some way, you’re impacting and influencing others with your gifts and talents.

In my private Facebook group for the Knowledge Broker Blueprint, that course I took last year, I’ve been walking alongside a group of students who also took the course, I’ve been a mentor to them as we’ve worked through the content together and there was a thread with over 476 comments with everyone sharing their own superpower. 476 comments — do you know what it’s like to read people sharing and proclaiming their superpower with pride? I literally had tears rolling down my cheeks.

Please press play on the episode above to hear many of these comments because I know they’ll spark a little fire inside you and open your eyes to what your superpower might be.

One group member Madison Anaya shared that her superpower is reverse engineering any dream or goal to get the result you want. How freaking cool is that? I certainly don’t think everyone has that knowledge. Melanie, another group member shared that hers is telling compelling stories, such a cool gift for those who want to pursue public speaking or even just become a better communicator. Like imagine sitting down with someone and talking about your life and having them help you pinpoint the key lines and phrases that communicate your story in a compelling way?

They might’ve had to learn a lot about communication or leadership or intuition over the years to get to this place where their superpower feels second nature, but that’s exactly the point! Your unique experiences, education, and life journey have set you up to have one-of-a-kind abilities and know-how that literally no one else in the world could duplicate, because our walks are all so different.

But more often than not, there are a whole lot of people out there who WANT to know what you know. They’d love to be able to simplify their lives, shortcut their learning and get faster results at the things that aren’t second nature to them. And it’s up to all of us collectively to pinpoint our superpowers and then offer it to others so that they can learn it, benefit from it, and change their lives too.

What makes you stand out?

Let’s walk through an exercise that will help you see your own behaviors, patterns, and the differences in your capabilities that set you apart from everyone else. All of that is essentially what makes up your superpower.

Maybe you already have a bit of an idea of your superpower if you’re offering some kind of service or helping others who are in the shoes you’ve been in before, and if that’s you, then amazing! Even if you’re confident in your superpower, stay with me and go through this exercise because you might be surprised to find that you have another superpower you’ve never realized, or that you’re not fully tapping into the potential of your superpower.

I want you to think of the 3 things that make you stand out from the crowd or your competition. This might be a way you approach your business or how you handle relationships or even something as personal as prioritizing self care, listening intently to others, knowing how to make people feel special, or planning out your day to get the most done with the least stress possible.

What about your routines or methods or processes is unlike anything else you’ve seen or heard of? Get super specific, and look at every aspect of your life: your health, your family, your work or business, your relationships, your faith, your vacations, your meals, your communication style. How exactly do you do things differently? Make sure you write these down somewhere so you can check back in on them, because these can shift and develop more deeply over time and you’ll likely want to come back and review them every few months.

If your competition, or even if your closest loved one could say: She’s doing so well because… Blank. What would they fill in the blank with? What are those things that have put you a few steps ahead or made your path look beautifully different than everyone else?

Your key skills

Next up, I want you to list 3 skills that you’ve learned and honed to help you move the needle the MOST in your life or business. Maybe it’s something in your personal life, not business that you’ve learned and it now makes your life so much more efficient or joyful or better in some way. It could be learning to cook delicious, healthy meals in less than 30 minutes. Maybe it’s a skill like knitting or website design or social media management or baking gluten free or getting the kids out the door with minimal complaints or how you went from couch to 5K in 60 days.

I mean the options here are legitimately endless. I have learned so many skills to make my life and business better that I’ve never even thought twice about sharing or teaching to others: becoming gluten free, cleaning up my beauty and skincare products, hiring new team members in under a week, navigating marathon training as an entrepreneur, changing my lifestyle to support our fertility journey…

There are so many things here to dig into, but I want you to write down the 3 that have contributed to your success or your happiness the MOST. While I’m not an expert on all of those topics, I AM an expert in my experience with them and most of them took me a lot of time and trial and error and research and doing to figure them out.

It might be helpful to just list everything you can think of and then go back through and narrow it down by circling the top 3 that have moved the needle the most in your life or they’ve brought you the most joy. Be careful to not just repeat the first list of 3 things that set you apart from your competition.

This list is for specific skills that you’ve acquired that have actually impacted your life in a really big way. What things can NO one else in your business do better than you or NO one else in your family do as well as you can because you’ve honed those skills into an art that is now likely second nature to you.

Where do your happiness and income intersect?

The next thing I want you to think about are the 2 tasks you do in your business that make you the happiest while also bringing in the most money. These are going to align with your genius spots, the things that you’d never outsource or hand off to a team member because you do it the best and LOVE to do it.

And if you’re not a business owner, another way to think about this is with efficiency. What are the 2 things in your life that make you the happiest to do and also allow you to save the most time? What is it that you do that lights you up and that inspires you to do more?

For me, it’s offering education that actually changes lives and being the visionary for my brand. I love to dream up where we’re going and create ambitious goals for myself and my team, and I absolutely adore guiding students and listeners through their businesses and lives using the best practices for marketing and growth and development that I know can impact them greatly.

Your Hero’s Journey

So you’ve got a good list going and I hope you’re feeling awesome about yourself and your unique gifts! Next step is writing down 2 or 3 stories that describe turning points in your life. Your transformational story or your hero’s journey. Maybe it’s meeting your partner or paying off all of your debt. Maybe it was getting through a life threatening illness or being the first to graduate from college in your family. It could be the day you chose to quit your job and go full on into your own business, or the day that you realized your true passion and how you could build a career out of it.

What experiences, challenging moments, or epiphanies have led you to exactly where you are today? These stories are the foundation for the tools and skills that YOU can teach to others. They’re likely what led you to your superpower and changed your life tremendously, whether you knew it at the time or not.

Stories are a powerful vehicle to communicating your superpower and connecting with others. People want to know why they can trust you, why you’re the expert, what your motivation was, why they should turn to YOU above anyone else to learn how to have access to your superpower. We all have a handful of transformational moments in our lives, but we generally don’t look back on them all the time and contemplate just how much they’ve shaped our paths and created the journey we’re now on, right?

But when you know your superpower and the stories that led you to where you are, you can share those with authenticity and earn the trust of those who want to be in a similar position as you. You don’t have to have things down perfect, you just need to be one chapter or even one page ahead of others.

The Big Picture

When you look at the journey from where you’ve been to where you are now, and when you observe the things that set you apart, the skills you’ve acquired, and the genius spots you would never outsource or hand off, you can decipher what your superpower is.

There are a million ways to tap into your gifts and innate abilities and knowledge to offer those up to people who want access to what you know. It just takes really digging into what you know, what you can offer and how you can make a difference.

You, right now, in this moment have a superpower that has not only transformed your life but has the ability to impact and change others lives and the more confident you get in understanding that, the more free you express it and share it, and the more open you are about it, the greater impact you’ll make on the world.


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  1. […] about or is it just familiar territory? Assess your greatest skills, your big achievements, pinpoint your superpowers. Based on these, apply to jobs. Don’t apply to the same job title because you just used to it! […]


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Before you get any further... Hi! I'm Jenna Kutcher!

A small town Minnesota photographer, podcaster, educator and puppy rescuer, my happiest days are spent behind my computer screen sharing my secrets with the world. I'm glad you're here.

I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to make a living doing what they love (without it taking over their life). 

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