What a Mastermind Is and Why You Should Join One

July 10, 2017


I am so, so excited to introduce you to the amazing Amanda Bucci! I met Amanda this year in our mastermind and today we’re going to talk all about what a mastermind is, how to join one, why we picked the one that we did and how it’s really propelled our businesses forward.

If you’re wondering how you can up level your business while learning from amazing educators, joining a mastermind might be the right option for you. In this episode, I want to share all about our experiences and what it’s been like so that you can decipher if it’s the perfect fit for you.

What is a mastermind?

Mastermind groups are a collective group of entrepreneurs who team up to: brainstorm, goal set, get education, have accountability, offer feedback, and support while in a group setting. A mastermind group will meet a number of times throughout the year and work as a whole to sharpen one another and push each other to reach bigger goals both personally and financially.

Why did we join one?

Frankly, being an entrepreneur is super lonely. You’re left on your own most days. I had heard of masterminds and after investing in different courses and coaching, I knew I wanted to be a part of a collective community that was led by someone I admired. I knew that our leader would get an awesome group of people into one room and that the relationships and friendships I could make would be invaluable. I also wanted to join a mastermind that wasn’t filled with people in my industry so I could draw inspiration from other industries and learn different ways to market successfully.

Exciting news:

In this episode I chat with about the mastermind they are in, what their takeaways have been, how the investment was scary and I reveal that I am working on planning my own mastermind for the upcoming year! My vision is to bring together 25 women who want to uplevel their businesses, invest in their futures, and really come together in true community to help each other succeed. I am SO thrilled to be working on this behind the scenes and I can’t wait to share more information. I want you to jump onto a waitlist if you want to be the first to get more information as soon as we have it!

join the waitlist to learn more about Jenna’s Mastermind! 

Also in this episode:

Amanda also reveals what entrepreneurship truly means to her, and how she focuses on the four pillars of her personal brand, which are: fitness, nutrition and mindset and business.  She shares about her goal of getting people excited about taking action in their own lives and building impact, and show she’s cultivating a “tribe within a tribe” so she can serve as a knowledgeable business mentor.

As you’ll hear, in addition to talking about masterminds, we touch on so much more in this one. Amanda shows why you can’t be afraid to invest in yourself or your business, why focusing on impact is really so important and how she’s been able to connect to her own tribe through human experiences, every single day.


Amanda Bucci: Website // Facebook // Twitter // Youtube  // Instagram // Pinterest // Podcast

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Before you get any further... Hi! I'm Jenna Kutcher!

I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to make a living doing what they love (without it taking over their life).  One of my favorite places to be is here, sharing what I'm learning with you. I'm glad you're here!



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