If You Have ZERO Clue What to Post on Instagram Today, CLICK HERE.

Jenna Kutcher 

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November 3, 2017


what to post to instagram

I first want to say: IT’S OKAY if you’re not sure what to post to Instagram. Maybe you’re feeling guilty, maybe you’re mad at me for calling ya out… or maybe you’re a superstar and you have your IG posts planned out for the next year (if you do, you should write a book, I’d be first in line to buy it!)

Chances are, you’re like the rest of us: struggling to find an “Instagram-worthy” white corner of your home or you’re scrolling through your camera roll and coming up short… and don’t even get me started on what the heck to say, because there’s nothing worse than having the perfect photo and zero words for it.

I was there too… trying to create content EVERY single day and feeling like a lost puppy. Until I created a SYSTEM. Because just like everything in life, systems can save ya stress. And whether you want to admit it (or not) Instagram is stressing you the heck out.

So let’s start with the important stuff:

  1. What are you most passionate about? It could be your product or service, it could be the THING your biz is centered around (or if you’re in the dream up-stage, what excites you?) This will hopefully be what you’re driving profits from… while also being passionate about. When do your eyes light up? Start to think about how you can share that stuff. 
  2. What makes you different or relatable? What are things your friends would tell me about you BEYOND what you do? Do you love dogs? Are you obsessed with soy lattes? Do you live in yoga pants? Write those things down about yourself. You might FEEL basic… but here’s the thing, you want your posts to create a connection beyond what you do. So things that might feel silly, might be your biggest assets. 
  3. How many times a week do you want to be posting? Be honest with yourself (and you can always up the ante) but what would look like success for you? 2x a week? 3x? It’s more important to be consistent and with the algorithm, it’s alllllll about quality over quantity so I’d rather have 3 epic posts from ya than one a day that flops… ya hear?


NOW, I want for you to listen closely: you likely have photos you can start preparing. Wait, what? I don’t have to post in real time… NO, no you don’t. (There I go again, talking to myself! But these are the conversations we’re having!) I never, ever post in real time because when I do, I’m stressed, I don’t put in much thought, and I’m not focused on serving my audience (at least as much as I am focused on serving a little friend of mine, my ego.) 

Go through your phone and start to mark some of these items you listed above as items that make you, YOU, as favorites. Trips you’ve been on, people or pets you love, work you’ve created, food you’ve enjoyed… the list goes on and on. Create a little gallery of photos that already exist and use that as your little content library while you start to systemize it all! It’s going to save you stress, save you time, and help you come up with a PLAN.

Because having a plan has saved me many, many times in life!

Once you start to make those favorites you might notice a few trends and that can inspire you to take more photos of these “categories” that can help you not just create a business BUT a brand… a brand that creates connection, a brand that leaves people saying “I feel like I KNOW you,” a brand that drives sales because people don’t just love what you DO, they love who you are.

I’d love to hear the things that you LOVE beyond what you do. Would ya comment on my this post and tell me. It’d be fun to get to know you in that way… you know I’m all about sharing my love for puppies, mac and cheese, and yoga pants. Right?

Still stuck on what to post to Instagram?

Click here to grab my FREE 5 Secrets to Grow Your Following Guide!

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  1. Emily Myrick says:

    I love this content library idea! I’m finding I love pictures of my Bible flat lays, ALLLL the plants, and pictures of me and my hubs. Thank you for all your great IG tips!

  2. Natalie says:

    I feel like some of the things I try to hide because they’re not “on brand” are the things that my followers could actually really relate to… like how I try to eat gluten free and vegan as much as I can because it makes me FEEL and LOOK good, but about once a week I just have to have Mushroom Chicken Ramen… literally the opposite of gluten free and vegan. I’m vowing to start sharing more of these real-life moments that may not be as perfect as I want them to be, but they’re what make me a more relatable human!

  3. I luv thrift stores and garage sales! Browsing a thrift store is a form of self care for me. There is a deep satisfaction for me when I find valuable treasures at low prices. I’m also fascinated with minimizing, which is ironic.

  4. I am obsessed with puppies, fancy coffee drinks, and mermaids!

  5. Richa Sethi says:

    I couldn’t click on the link for the free one month of Instagram workbook 🙁


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A small town Minnesota photographer, podcaster, educator and puppy rescuer, my happiest days are spent behind my computer screen sharing my secrets with the world. I'm glad you're here.

I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to make a living doing what they love (without it taking over their life). 

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