Five Things I Have Learned From My Husband

Jenna Kutcher 

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May 29, 2014


My favorite line of our wedding vows read: I promise to encourage you to chase your dreams, because through them your soul shines. I try not to put Drew on blast too much, the guy has zero time to catch up on social media and he never reads my blog. (Seriously, I’m not just saying this, he pretty much gets bits and pieces from the people who do follow along – plus I write about weddings a lot and let’s be honest, I talk about weddings a lot so I think he is a little wedding-ed out.) So, first and foremost, I have to say, I married a good one. Not only are we best friends, we really, genuinely love being together whether we are out for a run (and I’m secretly willing him to slow down) or we are laying on the couch watching one of our million TV shows. He puts up with me and all that comes with me (including yoga pants, macaroni and cheese shapes, and creative messes.) Life is good when we are together and during the busy season we really try to make it a priority to have some down time as a team. I figured it’s only fair to share a bit about this man behind the scenes and the things he has taught me in life… seriously, Drew is pretty dang awesome. 


1.) Floss your teeth. Let me be the first to say that Drew is pretty type A. He has his routine and he does it every single day, without fail. (I, on the other hand, take life as it comes.) Now, the dentist should be Drew’s #1 fan because he’s the best flosser I know (Disclaimer: I floss for a week leading up to our appointment and hope for the best.) but I love that he takes care of himself. He is always making sure that he’s taken care of and healthy (and he makes me look like a slob, all to often.) This also goes for his possessions, he takes such good care of everything he owns and makes sure that it will all last a long time, I value this trait so much! 

2.) Your belly is happier with a little wine in it. We honestly didn’t drink much wine before Drew got into wine sales. Over the past few years it’s become something we enjoy together (duh) and something that I am slowly learning about. Drew has been studying these past few months to take a Certified Wine Specialist exam and I am so proud of his drive to better himself in his job. When I see him sitting at the table and taking notes, it takes me back to our college days when we fell in love. I often quiz him (when I make him give me samples) and I am in awe of his ability to retain information about growing regions, grapes, and varietals.  (I don’t even know if what I just said is right, but the point is, he’s a smarty pants…) 

3.) I don’t know how to vacuum correctly (apparently.) It’s pretty funny actually, I once told my girlfriends that I could never date Drew because he was too “wild” for me. Turns out the wild one was the perfect man for me (and let’s be honest, he was mild, not wild.) but the man really knows how to vacuum… he even gets mad when I do it, apparently I do it all wrong. Hey babe, you rock that vacuum, I’ll be over here tasting your wine. But seriously, the guy is a clean one and he is always cleaning up after my messes and making sure our house looks spotless, he’s brilliant (and Mr. Clean except he has hair!) 

4.) Always let people know you are thinking about them. How does he do it? This is something that makes me smile, (and drives me crazy) he send photos of food, beer, billboards, and buildings to his friends that must be some sort of insider thing, but he always let’s people know when he is reminded of them. He is constantly communicating with the people he loves. I’m not going to lie, some nights0he is always in touch with his friends and it’s something I need to take notes on. This man is such a good friend and he is always encouraging me to take a page from him book and let people know I am thinking of them and often. 

5.) Love unconditionally. I know he is great at this because he still likes me… most days I question how another human legally vowed to hang out with me forever. Most days I am a mess, I don’t shower every day, and I live in things that resemble work out clothes. I eat the food of a five year old and I love taking naps…. yes, he still loves me. We laugh because if he has to discipline our dogs, he gives them a kiss after it’s over. He loves deeply and I am always in awe of his ability to unconditionally love and accept people (and our dogs!) In fact, Drew is just really good at the whole love thing, even when it is a challenge and it’s something that leaves me speechless.

Moral of the story: I married up and I know it. I couldn’t do what I do without his support and he I always one step behind me cheering me on. My main squeeze is always teaching me about life, wine, and being more clean but I wouldn’t trade it for the world and I am so thankful I married such an awesome dude (and I’m thankful he picked me.) 




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  1. Rachel Peterson says:

    I love reading your blogs, Jenna! Especially the ones about you and Drew, they are always super cute and really inspiring as I’m getting married soon too… to a Drew! 😛 <3


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