birds of a feather

March 19, 2013


“if you’re a bird, i’m a bird.” 

we’ve all heard the saying, “birds of a feather, flock together.” yes, yes, cheesy perhaps but i seriously think that every aspect of life is a testament to the fact that we are all a little bird like. i mean, how could you forget the famous notebook quote, “if you’re a bird, i’m a bird!” (although let’s be real, it was much sexier when noah said it..) when you think of your nearest and dearest friends, you probably picture a group of people who have something in common with you. whether you love running, eating icecream, taking naps, cooking, sipping wine, or dancing, you are probably friends because there is a common tie that binds. i feel the same away about me and my lovely brides…

when i look at my business, i really think of what my branding says to potential clients. i used to feel like i wanted to reach everyone and anyone, i wanted to be every bride’s photographer… starting a business is really personal, you pour your heart and soul into every aspect of it and at first it is so hard to hear the word “no.” rejection isn’t any easier now than it was in third grade when you were picked last for red rover. it still stings but i think that there is so much freedom in learning that you don’t need to be right for everyone, you just need to be right for the right clients. i struggled with this idea for oh so long, i wish you could know that.

as a strong advocate for branding and adding you to your business, i finally found the key to my success and that is just doing me. quirky, funny, clumsy me that at the end of the day wants to spend my days with people who are just like me. you want your branding and your business to attract or repel… trust me, the girl who started this business never even fathomed repelling people away. it is a scary thought, but i believe through and through it will shape your business into something that you dream of.  i promise you, this will change your life when you hit this point. 

going full time was not a decision i ever took lightly, in fact, it was one of those decisions that leaves you with millions of pro and con lists and a lot of nights counting sheep. i was worried that i would get burnt out, that i would tire of weddings and not be in love with something that has my whole heart. it was a little scary and i had no clue how i would be feeling after 25 glorious weddings. well, i have to say, i loved each and every wedding and really learned so much about myself, my business, my clients needs, and where i wanted to take all of it. 

as my calendar started to book up for 2013 i realized something, the brides i were attracting were the right kind of clients. they were the girls who i would hug in a coffee shop and chat endlessly like we were going to run out of air. we would sip lattes, talk about date nights, chat reality television and obsess over wedding details. they were the kind of people i wanted to go on double dates with and felt comfortable divulging secrets with. i was attracting not only clients but friends. i would leave meetings and dial drew’s number excitedly as i told him every little detail about my newest client and how we just HAD to hang out with them soon, i am sure he loved those calls. as the calendar filled in with 25 beautiful weddings planned, i read each date with excitement remembering the details and the couples who i would get to capture. 

i realized this year that i am not the right photographer for everyone and that is not even something i aim to be. in order for me to fall in love with my job over and over again, i need to work with clients who excite me, who respect me, who befriend me, who want to work with me and not just any photographer. in my quest to share my life, i was attracting people who loved me, flaws included. i was repelling people who didn’t want the goofball girl who lives on caffeine and could talk about lace for days. that is okay with me, i am at a place where that actually gives me freedom and rejection no longer stings. i know that in order for me to be the best photographer possible, i have to be yearning to give my clients the best experience, to be present on their wedding day soaking in every single moment to tell their story. 

so if the old adage is true and birds of a feather, flock together, than i have the most beautiful and vivacious flock of clients a girl could ask for. i am the luckiest to fall in love with my job with every wedding and every booked couple. i am lucky to find friends in my clients and have ladies to chat life with. i am attracting the kind of people i want to surround myself with and in that i am happy as a clam. so, to my lovely brides: i want you to know that i would always pick you first in red rover and that i am happy i get to share my life over lattes with you. 



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  1. Erin says:

    great post…so true,

  2. Ray says:

    VERY well said, Jenna!

  3. Amy says:

    Well said!!! It is a wonderful thing when you get to work with the right bride 🙂

  4. Stephanie Marie says:

    I wish I could bottle up all my excitment & all the love and admiration I have for you and send it to you day after day! We are beyond blessed to have met you & to have your talent grace our wedding day in just a few short months! 🙂 My oh my am I over the moon excited!
    Tons of X’s & O’s

  5. Rebecca Anne says:

    I love this blog post. Exactly the same thing I’ve been thinking about and dealing with. It takes courage to go after the clients you want and deal with getting the rejections. But in the end it really does pay off. Well stated!

  6. lin says:

    Wow 25!Good for you!

  7. Whitney Lane says:

    So true! I am realizing this lately. I really don’t want every wedding. The stress of getting the wrong bride for your style and personality is just not worth it. Love this post 🙂

  8. I love the connection in your shots and when you say you found the key to your success is just being you. I totally am finding the same connection in my work. When I don’t waste time on the small things and let my creativity flow, I produce my best work. Keep up the good work!

  9. Amanda says:

    Awesome post!!! Brave of you to open yourself up and share that with all of us! So true though!!! It was very encouraging to me!

  10. Alaina Bos says:

    I’ve been thinking about my ideal client quite a bit and I’m getting used to and okay with the fact that I’m not for everyone 🙂 Great Post!

  11. Finding out what kind of bird you are helps so much! Great work and thanks for sharing your heart!

  12. This is bang on. I have a pretty strong personality, I’m not always politically correct, and I have a pretty hard time taking myself seriously. I am definitely not every bride’s photographer. That’s why I strongly suggest meeting your photographer before signing on the dotted line!! It’s so important as a bride to feel relaxed and comfortable with your photographer, because if you’re not, your photos will show it. Great post!

  13. Angela says:

    Great post! I think this is something so many photographers starting out struggle with. Thank you for being so open with your readers!

  14. Beautifully put. I think this can translate to all genre’s but especially important and that special day. Being able to capture all the love that goes on that day by you, their new friend and comrade is priceless.

  15. Natalie says:

    Wow – this is exactly what I needed to read right now in my career. Thank you for your transparency!



Before you get any further... Hi! I'm Jenna Kutcher!

I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to make a living doing what they love (without it taking over their life).  One of my favorite places to be is here, sharing what I'm learning with you. I'm glad you're here!



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