Parenting, Marriage, and Life Advice from My Grandparents

May 31, 2021


Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Stitcher

Now more than ever, after so much uncertainty and change that came from the last year, I’m recognizing the universal truth that tomorrow is not promised. The last year also showed us that things that seem guaranteed, like being able to hold our loved ones and hear their voices not through a telephone or Zoom microphone, are not guaranteed at all. 

I’m so lucky to have three living grandparents, but the pandemic kept us apart. It was hard on all of us, but we knew it was necessary to keep everyone safe. When vaccines became a reality for my grandparents, we were so excited because it meant that finally, after a long year of no visits, no hugs, no stories shared around a table, we got to be together. 

Drew, Coco, and I had the opportunity to host all of my grandparents at our house for a weekend, and it was so special seeing them together. They’ve become friends through the years, and so it was just a really fun weekend making memories together. 

I wanted to interview my grandparents for so many reasons — their stories are so special to me, and with my greater appreciation for time and how fleeting it is, I wanted to capture their stories and voices in a way that I can hold onto, in a way I can share with our kids when they’re old enough to listen. 

While I first thought the interview would just be for me and our family, I decided to share it with you. I hope this conversation makes you smile. I hope it paints a picture of where I come from in a new way. I hope, more than anything, it inspires you to reach out to the ones you love, and savor the moments you have together. I’m so excited to introduce you to my grandparents.

In this conversation, they talk about their lives and growing up during the Great Depression, how they met and fell in love, their careers and life’s work, their advice for raising children, the secret to a happy marriage, and what brings them the most joy. They also share what their experience was like in 2020 and what they want our generation to know about life. Make sure you listen for my grandpa’s “punny” joke, too. 

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