Dear Jenna: I Suck At Tracking My Miles

Jenna Kutcher 

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May 20, 2016


Dear Jenna,
Since tax season just ended (thank goodness) I am reminded the importance of tracking everything for my business (and not saving it all for the last minute, struggle fest!) One of the biggest things I realized is that I really suck at tracking my milage for my business use and I know this is important since each mile is around fifty cents! That could really add up, but how the heck do you keep track of it? Use your odometer? Guesstimate? Write things down every time you drive somewhere? 
I Suck At Tracking Miles 

Hey sweet friend,

I see you, I once was you (and when I say that, I mean months ago, I was in your exact shoes!) The truth? I used to have to guesstimate all of my miles at the end of the year and cross my fingers that it made sense. I never added in the little things like: coffee meetings, lunch dates with clients, trips to the post office, or Office Max… I just didn’t have any sort of system that made keeping track of each mile easy. But then my world changed when one of my friends told me about Mile IQ.

You see, I was resistant at first, I mean… paying for an app on my phone (that was almost out of space) seemed like a big task for someone who was convinced that her system wasn’t broken. But then I started to think about my life week by week and how much I really WAS driving around for business and I realized that one hour long drive to a meeting would pay for the entire app for the year. So how does it work? It’s actually pretty nifty.MileIQ lives on your phone, every time you hop into your car it tracks the route and the milage.

At the end of each week you just swipe left or swipe right (kind of like Tinder!) to separate your personal and your business drives… it’s seriously as easy as swiping. Just in one month I logged over 1,000 miles and $399 of milage that I could write off at tax time… if that isn’t worth it, I’m not sure what is. The truth is, if you can honestly tell me that you aren’t great at tracking your milage, you stink at remembering to log things, and tax time leaves you scurrying to try and figure out how much you really did drive, to where, and when…. then, this is the answer to your solutions!

The best part? You don’t even have to turn it on or hit any buttons, it’s automatically running in the background of your phone using your integrated GPS, so the whole remembering anything is out the door! It does all the hard work for you! When tax time rolls around you can simply print off your annual report and voila, you’ve got all of your milage logged and ready for your accountants. Talk about a time saver, but more importantly, taking advantage of the fact that milage will be one our biggest write offs at the end of the year. It’s silly to not take advantage of it.

Cheers to efficiency, mapping the miles, and making tax time a little less hectic!

To celebrate, I am sharing 20% off MileIQ with you! Just click here to redeem! 



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A small town Minnesota photographer, podcaster, educator and puppy rescuer, my happiest days are spent behind my computer screen sharing my secrets with the world. I'm glad you're here.

I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to make a living doing what they love (without it taking over their life). 

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