16 Personalities – What’s Yours?

Jenna Kutcher 

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November 18, 2014



16 personalities – I mean, y’all know I have a few sides to me, but I promise I don’t have 16 of them… at least I think I don’t. Before Drew and I got married we did some pre-marital prep with my favorite Pastor back home. We spent a few different sessions with him answering questions, talking through life, and helping prepare ourselves to walk through marriage together. Part of the counseling was a personality test that would help determine our strengths and weaknesses and where we might triumph and trial in our marriage. The funny part? Our answers were the exact same (I should say sort of funny, sort of creepy.) Drew and I are the female and male version of one another in many aspects of life (minus the fact that he is a neat freak and I on the other hand… well….) As the pastor read about our personalities, we sat there a little shocked and in awe at how truly accurate they were. I wanted to photocopy the results and read the description of my human nature on the daily to remind myself to stay on track, maximize my strengths, and work on my weaknesses. Well, I didn’t do that but I will never forget the desire to yell out “AMEN” while someone told me about myself. That was the last time I took a personality test…

My sister Kate sent me a text the other night telling me to take a few minutes to retake this quiz, I totally thought she was spamming me for a bit when she sent it but after realizing she was really telling me to see what my answer would be, I obliged and took it. I pretty much screamed when the results popped up and my freshman comm declaration reading was the first quote. Yes, Oriah Mountain Dreamer was quoted in the results and I about flipped out of my chair. It’s crazy that the results are just as pertinent (if not more) than they were three years ago! First and foremost, my sister and I got the same personality results (surprise, surprise) but even more cool than that was how incredibly spot on the results were. One of us is blonde, one is brunette. One is incredibly witty, the other is reserved. My sister and I are pretty much the same in so many ways (there are a few things we are total opposites in) but as I read the results I realized that I could be reading about her and myself in the same paragraphs. It must have been those early years when we loved the same things, had a handshake bedroom ritual, and could finish each others sentences…  As I filled in the answers I tried to be as honest as possible. I think the trick to these things is to follow your gut and just answer quickly without spending too much time answering. Prepare to have your mind blown as you read a perfect description of yourself! I want to know your results so comment below on what you got and if you think it was accurate!

Here’s what I learned about myself, I am an ENFP Personality: The ENFP personality is a true free spirit. They are often the life of the party, but unlike explorers, they are less interested in the sheer excitement and pleasure of the moment than they are in enjoying the social and emotional connections they make with others. Charming, independent, energetic and compassionate, the 7% of the population that they comprise can certainly be felt in any crowd. ENFPs are fiercely independent, and much more than stability and security, they crave creativity and freedom. (Um hello, creative entrepreneurial spirit!) Now, click the link below, take the five minute quiz and tell me what you got! Ready? GO! 


Free Personality Test! Click here – just do it! 

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  1. Chelcey says:

    My fiance and I took this quiz about a year ago and realized that we are total OPPOSITES! I’m also an ENFP and he’s an ISTJ. Since we were just taking it for fun, it was totally unexpected that I took it so seriously and immediately started researching relationships with our mash up of personalities. The result? Devastating! Every. Single. Article. I read said that these women couldn’t stand their ISTJ partner and visa versa. Oh, and did I mention that some crazy number like 1% of relationships with this pairing actually make it. Who comes up with these numbers, anyways? After a minor mental break down my fiance, being the sweet man he is, reassured me that we balance each other out perfectly and not to worry. Now that I have a blog I feel like I should really write a post about our personality differences … Maybe some poor girl out there is stressing out just like I was that night and maybe I’ll be the light in the darkness. Thanks for the inspiration, chick! 🙂

  2. Courtney Anderson says:

    Great blog entry – I became obsessed with taking this test and then making my friends take the tests too about a year ago. I’m also an ENFP and it could not be more spot on. It’s always interesting to see and read what the results have to say!


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A small town Minnesota photographer, podcaster, educator and puppy rescuer, my happiest days are spent behind my computer screen sharing my secrets with the world. I'm glad you're here.

I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to make a living doing what they love (without it taking over their life). 

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