Goal Digger Episode 028: Following Your Intuition with Jess Lively

March 6, 2017


Today, my mind is totally blown while I interview Jess Lively of The Lively Show. Join us as we talk all about her adventures, her current nomad lifestyle and how she learned to truly get in tune with her intuition and listen to her gut. Trust me guys, this episode absolutely changed my life and I think it might do the same for yours!


After Jess completed business school and set up shop with her jewelry business,  she found it all left her wanting more (1:00).

“There has got to be a better way to live life than to just chasing all the shiny pennies of achievements and outcomes” (1:10)

Jess started her coaching business and blogged because she wanted to help others with a whole other way of approaching life. Today, she has her podcast and her courses to help more people approach their lives differently (1:36).

Jess has gone through a few different phases in her life. She was married and genuinely wanted the “house, husband and kids life”, however since her breakup Jess has travelled the world and wonders if she was feeling pressure from society to live that lifestyle (8:13).

“I’ve been able to see so many other ways of living and other cultures” (8:39)

She is big on living life intuitively; a client recently reached out to her and asked if blogging was dying and her response is always to follow your intuition (13:05).

“What people are really trying to do is eliminate the uncertainty, so they feel they are safer.” (13:14)

Classical personal development teaches us to work hard and hustle, but it is your thought process and state of mind that makes it all work (25:41).

Jess believes that if we start out having a bad day, then our day just gets worse. On the flip side of this, if we start out with the day being, then it will only get better. Often, instead of us controlling how our day is going to go we wait for something external to tell us how it is going to go (31:00).

“People are living life by default (and) they are waiting for some stimulus in their lives to trigger and emotion; that frequency is what is going to create the rest of the attraction to them in that day.” (36:00)


 The Lively Show
Jess Lively Website
Moving Vlog
Work Frequency Quantum Episode



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  1. Liz says:

    Love the look and feel of your blog! I just got your latest email and it was JUST what I needed to hear today. “Forward is forward, darling.” Keep it up, and thank you!

  2. Anesha says:




Before you get any further... Hi! I'm Jenna Kutcher!

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