It’s here! It’s here! There’s nothing more exhilarating and vulnerable than the moment you finally pull away the curtain to reveal a work that has been under wraps, behind-the-scenes, and awaiting its very first debut. I woke up today with EVERY feeling fluttering wildly around in my chest, because today is the long-awaited birthday of my first book, How Are You, Really? — which is, of course, cause for mega celebration!
Cue the sparklers!
I love the word “release” because today is just that, a day to release this book, this two year project out into the world. To release the desire for one more round of edits, one more spell check. To release the gift it’s been in my own life and allow it to work some magic in yours. It’s out in the wild (and hopefully in your hands!). I’m so proud of this work, and I love knowing it’s for you: my readers, my listeners. It was all made possible because of you.
And so, I feel like I can tell you how I’m really feeling, in full honesty: With every crazy-good, fist-bumpin’-joy feeling I anticipated, I also knew today might bring with it some feelings of vulnerability. My book is sitting on bookstore shelves. Like, in broad daylight!
It’s being packed up and shipped out, flying around the world into homes, businesses, book clubs. People are flipping through it on their tablets. Highlighting parts of it. Hmm-ing at parts of it that might push on their current mood or mindset. People who have never even heard my name before might already be on Chapter 10. Maybe they’re passing by the book on the shelf and thinking, “Hey, that looks interesting,” as they reach for it and do what we all do – flip it over to read the brief on the back.
And, now, cue allllll the emotions.
Of course I knew this was all coming! But like most monumental days, the weight of it all doesn’t and cannot be felt until you arrive. Until you’re in it. And because I am in the thick of it, I think it’s important to write to you from right here, right where I am this very moment. With full-stop honesty.
Because I believe the odds are high that you, reader, are someone who has been waiting for the “really” part of “How Are You, Really?” That gentle invitation to lean in, feel safe to share, and exhale all that you’ve been holding in. Whether it’s a question you ask or are asked, or one you pose to yourself at 2AM when your mind is racing.
It’s time to stop faking that you’re enjoying life and find what brings YOU joy, instead. It’s time to stop scrolling through other people’s lives on Instagram and start living your life offline. It’s time to step into the most vibrant version of yourself and own it – all the parts of you – with pride. It’s time to kindly, gently redirect your inner monologue and believe you belong, just as you are, right this very moment.
This book is mine, yes—but it’s meant to be yours.
And that’s why I don’t celebrate alone today. Not only because a massive, talented team of people helped me do this (uh oh, I’m emotional writing this part!) and it’s our shared effort that turned my little working-title Google doc into a reality… but because you and I are going to break one of my rules right now.
I don’t normally pre-celebrate anything. (Truthfully, I’m actually kind of bad at celebrations altogether!) But I want to pre-celebrate you right now, before you even crack open the spine of this book. I want to pre-celebrate the journey you are about to be on. Whether it’s a new career, a hobby, a longing waiting to be pursued, this is a reminder that forward is forward and you mustn’t go it alone! (And also: add cake.)
Happy Birth-day to my first book! And because I have full confidence you’re about to experience a bit of a rebirth as you read along, let me just say, friend: Happy Birth-day to you.
How Are You, Really? by Jenna Kutcher is officially out now, worldwide!
Order a copy of the book here or from your favorite bookseller!