Don’t Make These 2 BIG Mistakes In Your Email Marketing

August 19, 2024


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Are you making BIG mistakes in your email marketing?! This episode will help you find out…

The conversation you’re about to hear originally aired on the This Is Small Business Podcast, an original podcast by Amazon hosted by Andrea Marquez. I loved getting the opportunity to teach my favorite topic–email lists–to the This Is Small Business community, and I also love getting to share it with you!

In this conversation, we talk about how to get started building your email list, how to use your list to test out new business ideas, and of course: the two biggest mistakes I see business owners make in their email marketing.

Before we dive in, if you have been listening to the Goal Digger Podcast and haven’t started your email list, save your seat for my FREE class, “From Zero Subscribers (or Zero Strategy) to an Engaged Email List that Lasts”.

I can’t wait to teach you the 3 secrets to easily start, grow, and serve your email list, so save your seat now!

Now, let’s listen to my interview with Andrea Marquez on This Is Small Business.

The Power of Building an Email List

When it comes to driving sales and results in my business, building an email list is absolutely crucial. I can’t stress enough how important it is to have a direct line of communication with an audience that’s already interested in what you have to offer!

Unlike social media, where distractions are everywhere, email subscribers have willingly opted in to hear from you. This means they’re more engaged and genuinely interested in your content or products.

Why Your Email List is Your Most Valuable Asset

One of the things I love about an email list is that it’s an asset you own and control. In the world of business, that’s incredibly valuable. Studies show that for every subscriber on your list, you should see an extra dollar of revenue per month—that is, if you’re serving them effectively.

This direct line of communication allows you to reach out to a targeted audience, provide valuable resources, share exclusive offers, and ultimately drive sales.

Serve Before You Sell

A key strategy I’ve always believed in is serving before selling. It’s not just about pushing products or services; it’s about building a relationship with your audience. 

When you focus on growing your email list and serving your audience through thoughtful, valuable email marketing, you create a more personal and meaningful connection with your customers. 

By providing value first, you build trust and loyalty, making your audience much more likely to make a purchase when the time comes.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Email Marketing

Over the years, I’ve noticed a couple of common mistakes that many business owners make with their email marketing efforts.

The first is burying the sign-up option on your website. Simply having a small link at the bottom that says “join my newsletter” isn’t enough. You need to make the sign-up process enticing and visible—people won’t join if they don’t know it exists.

The second mistake is using your email list solely for sales pitches. If you’re only reaching out when you want to sell something, you’re missing the mark.

Your emails should be about serving your audience—offering additional resources, sharing behind-the-scenes insights, and providing exclusive offers. When you focus on serving first, selling becomes a natural extension of the relationship you’ve built.

Finding the Right Balance

Ultimately, email marketing is all about balance—balancing the act of serving your audience with the need to drive sales. When done right, email marketing can be a powerful force in your business. It’s not just about making a sale; it’s about creating a connection that makes selling feel like a service rather than a pushy tactic. 

By consistently providing value, you’ll keep your subscribers engaged and interested, leading to better results and a stronger, more loyal customer base.

These strategies have been key in my own business success, and I’m excited to see how they can transform yours too. Big thanks to the This Is Small Business podcast for having me on the show and letting me share it with you!

If this episode got you curious about email marketing, save your seat for my FREE class, “From Zero Subscribers (or Zero Strategy) to an Engaged Email List that Lasts,” to learn about the number one way I drive profits in my business!

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Before you get any further... Hi! I'm Jenna Kutcher!

I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to make a living doing what they love (without it taking over their life).  One of my favorite places to be is here, sharing what I'm learning with you. I'm glad you're here!



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