The Beginner’s Playbook for Starting Something New

August 21, 2024


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Isn’t it funny how things can change in a year?

This time last August, we were driving to the beach with our kids and we drove past the Duluth Rowing Club. It looked fun, so I immediately went to their website and joined their email list to learn more about it.

To be honest, I totally forgot about it until I got an email with an invite to join their “learn to row” class this summer. Without overthinking it, I signed up. Before I knew it, in the beginning of June, I got out on the water with 12 other strangers-turned-friends and learned how to row!

It has honestly been so challenging and life giving and fun. Every week this summer, I have spent time in a boat with women of all ages and experience levels. If I’ve learned anything about being a beginner, you learn by doing, not watching! 

That was also my motto when my mom and I took a sourdough class earlier this year, when Drew and I decided to become beekeepers, and when my girls and I tried our hands at starting our very first garden. I have so much to learn in all of these new hobbies, and honestly, it feels so good to be so curious! 

Of course, those little imposter feelings can hit deep…. And then I remember I’m not an imposter, I’m simply a human brave enough to be a beginner.

So today, I want to walk you through the lessons I’m learning while I find myself being a beginner again, and most importantly how you can invite more joy, curiosity, and NEWness into your life, too.

Cheers to never being too old for learning something new! Let’s dive into the beginner’s playbook!

Theme 1: Seek Mentorship

For every single new thing I took on, I didn’t do it alone or without a guide.

  • For sourdough, I joined a weekly community ed class with my mom.  
  • For beekeeping, we found a local mentor who was willing to come over and advise us.
  • For rowing, I joined a “learn to row” intro class.
  • For gardening, I took on a mentor in my friend Nicole Burke.

If you’re attempting something new, you don’t have to do it alone or start from scratch, there are so many resources out there both free and paid. Find people who have gone before you and learn from them, seek them out and leverage their experiences to turn decades into days for you. 

According to a study by the American Society for Training and Development (ASTD), individuals who set goals and have accountability with a mentor or teacher have a 65% likelihood of completing their goals. When they regularly check in with their mentor, their success rate increases to 95%.

Theme 2: Be in Community 

Research shows that learning within a community can significantly improve success rates. One relevant study conducted by Stanford University found that people who pursued a goal within a community (even if it was virtual) were 22% more likely to achieve their goals compared to those who pursued them individually. The shared accountability, mutual support, and collective motivation within a community contribute to higher success rates.

Putting myself into these courses and settings naturally put me into communities from a free Facebook beekeeping group for Minnesota beekeepers to a group of people in my intro to row class who text weekly now to get out on the water together to meeting in a church basement to learn sourdough bread making with a bunch of local women of all ages… community has been huge. 

We celebrate each other’s wins, we answer one anothers questions, and we hang out together. It’s so important to be learning alongside other people who are right with you in the journey… It’s relatable and working towards a common goal creates an instant bond. 

Not only that, but seeking out community has also expanded my circle in so many ways and also put me in spaces to meet people I might not otherwise have met!

Theme 3: Show Up and Don’t Quit 

If you want to do something new, it requires commitment and keeping promises to yourself and others. 

Making space in my calendar to take each of my new hobbies on wasn’t always easy but once I committed, I was all in.

For example, trying to take what I was learning about sourdough and translate it to gluten-free was frustrating but I didn’t give up. I wanted to learn both methods and show up for the whole learning process, even though I was the only one trying something different. 

Research has shown that you are 2x to 3x more likely to stick with your habits if you make a specific plan for when, where, and how you will perform the behavior. For example, in one study scientists asked people to fill out this sentence: “During the next week, I will partake in at least 20 minutes of vigorous exercise on [DAY] at [TIME OF DAY] at/in [PLACE].” 

Researchers found that people who filled out this sentence were 2 to 3 times more likely to exercise compared to a control group who did not make plans for their future behavior. Psychologists call these specific plans “implementation intentions” because they state when, where, and how you intend to implement a particular behavior.

In general, commitment leads to consistency, which leads to competence… and that leads to confidence!

Theme 4: Keep Practicing 

So many people try to learn something but then they don’t stay consistent in their practice. 

Building the new hobby, sport, or activity into your rhythm and prioritizing it is the key to maintaining it and getting better!

I’ve been baking two loaves of bread every week and every time, I’m learning something new and journaling what I’m learning while I continue to perfect the process.

If you are a beginner, whether in business or in a hobby, then don’t get discouraged… practice makes progress, and that’s the most important part of the process!

Theme 5: Share the Journey 

A lot of times we only want to show up when we have it all perfected or figured out. 

But did you know that a Dominican University study found that more than 70% of participants who sent a weekly progress report to a friend reported successful goal achievement, compared to only 35% of participants who kept their goals to themselves and didn’t write them down.

Sharing the journey with friends and family helps to let others in and let them see the progress. Plus, it iInspires others in their own journey, even if it isn’t the same!

I have personally loved sharing my new hobbies because it creates accountability around what I am learning so I don’t quit on the hard days.

Final Thoughts

As we wrap up today’s episode, I want to leave you with a final thought: being a beginner is a gift. Embracing the new, the unknown, and the challenging is where growth happens.

Whether it’s picking up a hobby like sourdough baking, learning to row, starting a garden, or even venturing into something as unique as beekeeping, remember that the journey itself is what enriches our lives!

As you think about what’s next for you, I encourage you to embrace the beginner’s mindset. Approach each new challenge with curiosity, excitement, and a willingness to learn. It’s NEVER too late to start something new, and the joy and fulfillment you’ll find along the way are immeasurable.

Thank you for joining me on this journey today. Here’s to continuously learning, growing, and finding joy in the newness of life. Until next time Goal Diggers, keep being brave enough to start something new, and keep on digging your biggest goals along the way!

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Before you get any further... Hi! I'm Jenna Kutcher!

I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to make a living doing what they love (without it taking over their life).  One of my favorite places to be is here, sharing what I'm learning with you. I'm glad you're here!



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