How She Funded Her Dream with Women-Only Investors

January 24, 2022


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It’s been almost four years since I first spoke to Lori Harder on the Goal Digger Podcast. I think of everything that has happened in those four years for me, and then look at all the changes in Lori’s life and business, and while behind the scenes we’ve stayed connected, I realize we’re going to have a LOT to talk about on air today.

But first, I want you to think about this question: What would you do if you could do anything? Strip away fears, limitations, finances, criticisms, and roadblocks, and what would you do? That’s the question Lori asked herself before launching a brand new business in a field she had zero experience. If she could do anything, Lori would dive into a saturated and male-dominated field to launch her own sparkling rosé wine spritzer!

Lori made the big decision to only take on women investors, and I’m so excited for her to share the vision and mission behind working with women to fund her idea. This is a conversation about pivoting, jumping into something new and believing you can achieve it.

What Would You Do Without Limits?

Lori Harder has gone through many career transitions and pivots, from fitness to women’s events to mindset coaching, writing a book, creating courses, and beyond. For anyone looking in on her accomplishments, there’s no denying that Lori has experienced success in many forms. But like a true entrepreneur, she can feel when her goals and focus aren’t aligned with what she’s feeling called to do. So again, Lori made a pivot that started on a walk with her husband. 

She asked herself what she would do if she had no limits – all the money, all the connections, all the time – what would Lori pursue next? The vision popped into her head: Champagne. Lori loves champagne and what it represents, how it connects people and accompanies a celebration. Even though she was excited about the initial idea, she was quick to talk herself out of it.

“I stopped myself,” Lori said. “That’s ridiculous. I’ve never been in alcohol before. What am I thinking? What would people say?” The more she thought about it though, the more it felt inline with her life and dreams, so Lori allowed herself to go there. And it began the journey to creating and launching her sparkling rose wine spritzer called Lite Pink.

How She Started

Lori had never worked in the alcohol industry before, so she was starting from square one, but it wasn’t the first time she’d started at the very beginning. “I went back to the things that had worked,” Lori explained. “You have to borrow someone else’s experience and you need to listen to that.”

Lori listened to podcasts and audiobooks about people who had done it before, she took courses, got coaching, hung out with people who’d launched an alcohol brand before. Lori knew the importance of building a network in the space she wanted to be, and slowly started flipping her environment to align with her goal of launching Lite Pink.

One of the earliest steps Lori took to learn more about creating her own alcohol brand was a super simple one… She Googled it. Don’t discount the power of asking the internet if you have an idea but no clue where to start!

Admit You’re a Beginner

If you’re venturing into a new space without any foundational knowledge or experience, you need to admit you’re a beginner. Here’s how Lori approached phone calls at the earliest stages of developing Lite Pink.

“This is where your triggers on your enoughness are all going to come out,” she shared. “Because you’re getting on calls that you think you’re supposed to be a professional on already, or sound smart, and that’s going to stop you.”

“I would get on the calls with these formulators or these possible investors, and the first thing that comes up is, ‘Oh my god, I’m stumbling. I don’t even know what to ask you…” If these feelings come up during your early stages of developing an idea, Lori wants you to remember this, “Your best superpower in the beginning is to admit exactly where you’re at. Don’t try to sound smarter because you’re not going to get the answers that you actually need.”

“The best thing you can do as a beginner is to say, I am brand new, I’m going to ask all the questions that I can,” Lori continued, “I just literally free myself up of anything that could block me from getting answers and knowledge that I need.”

More from Lori Harder

This is just the start of an episode packed with insight, inspiration, and encouragement from a seasoned entrepreneur who knows a thing or two about pivoting and pursuing the new passions that ignite your soul. She digs into her decision to take on women-only investors and more that went into launching her newest endeavor. Press play for more from Lori Harder.

Be sure to follow her on Instagram @LoriHarder and stay up to date on all things Lite Pink at @drinklitepink and at

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