“Hey, I’m Jenna and I don’t shy away from puppy kisses! I currently have a giant foster puppy named Miguel in my lap. I could be referred to as a workaholic, but the truth is, I love what I do so much that it rarely feels like work. Tuesday’s are my favorite day of the week (they involve long naps) and I live life in spandex and expandable waistbands. Most people tell me their lives aren’t “Instagram worthy” but take it from a girl who created a brand around puppies, yoga pants, and Mac and Cheese. The world needs you and what you have to offer, promise”
Chances are if you meet someone new or you’re having a conversation with someone you just met, this question will come up. It’s probably one of the most asked questions in our culture and yet, it’s never sat well with me. It’s a question that can halt a conversation, leave people with inclinations, and hinder the ability to see past labels. What is this question? “What do you do?” Yeah, it’s great to know how people earn a living, but to me, that question is so limiting. I find myself struggling in answering it, I try to pick the quickest, easiest response but yet I leave so many things unmentioned, not even on the table for discussion.
So how would I love to answer the question? “Well, I guess you could say I do a lot of things, but the things I most passionate about in this life are: my husband, rescuing puppies, seeing the world, photographing real moments, and empowering people to pursue their passions (and make them profitable.)” Not quite as easy as saying I am an executive in a corner office, right? And yet, it fails me every time, because we will always get to talking about the title and not the passion. But how do you put a label on a complex human being and limit them to the thing they do to collect a paycheck.
If you’ve ever struggled with this, in getting stuck with a label and letting that lead the conversation, let me help you. I want you to stand out, I want you to boldly speak about the things that absolutely fire you up and I want to the world to see this gift that you possess (that is uniquely yours!) I created a training that will walk you through writing a compelling bio (beyond the titles and the fluff) and help people grasp how amazing you are before they even get a notion based on “what you do.”
(complete with a madlibs style cheat sheet!)
Next time you meet someone new, instead of leading the conversation with that one question we all default to, ask them “what in life are you most passionate about.” Lose the titles, lose the terminology, and give someone the chance to tell you things in this life that make them come fully alive. I would bet you that the conversation that will follow will be more meaningful, interesting, and connecting!
Absolutely agree…this question has never say well with me either. Which is probably why I never ask it. In fact many times my husband or my parents will ask me what someone k know does for a living and my usual answer is “I have no idea!” It sounds weird to them, but I would way rather find out what makes a person tick than what the go to generate an I come. And being someone that quit their job to be a stay at home mom….this question used to give me anxiety. I had a complete identity crisis based on how I label myself. I think people place way too much worth on what they do and not enough on who they are.
Sorry for the lengthy comment…you just got me fired up and passionate. So thankful you posted this to open up this conversation.