How to Get Glowing Skin Without Harsh Chemicals

August 15, 2019


The other day I told Drew to look at my skin — like really look at it. It’s clearer and more glowy than it’s ever been in my entire life. As someone who has struggled with acne since my teen years and melasma thanks to my pregnancies, I have never had clearer or more glowy skin in my life. Truth be told, my skin looks healthier, my non-toxic makeup routine takes less time in the morning (which is something this mama needs) and it even gives my self-confidence a bit of a boost. 

I have been staying covered this summer with hats and lotion and all the things, but I wasn’t always so protective. I know that baking for hours in the sun has it’s not-so-good side effects (like discoloration, premature aging and DNA damage). But the alternative? Several conventional ways of creating a clear, glowing complexion (like harsh spa treatments or harmful topical ingredients) come at a cost and, just like too much sun time, can lead to skin that’s compromised, dull and damaged – not exactly the look we’re going for.

So this season has inspired me and I’m spilling a few of my favorite ways to get *glowing* skin without harsh chemicals for a complexion that radiates a healthy glow long after we’ve left the islands.

Sleep your way to glowing skin

You’re welcome for this one! Who doesn’t wish they could sleep more? Now you have a reason to log more z’s: beauty sleep is not a myth and is actually vital to your skin health helping to restore moisture balance, stimulate collagen and fight inflammation. I created a new nighttime routine to help me wind down and even switched to a satin pillowcase (better for your skin and hair!) I even saw a dermatologist who recommended taking melatonin to help your skin recover while you sleep, amazing right? For me, as a new mom, this one has been pretty tough to stick to, but this tip is top of my list. You know me, I’m a recovering nap queen so I definitely try to sneak in a cat nap on days I really need it to maintain glowing skin – and my sanity. 

Get Moving

Our bodies were designed to move, our blood is intended to flow and our skin is meant to glow with health! Exercise is key in achieving clear skin. When blood flow is boosted, much-needed nourishment is sent to skin cells, reestablishing a radiant complexion and minimizing the effects of inflammation. I recently got a Peloton bike to help me sneak in quick workouts while baby is asleep and it’s inspired me to get moving again. Don’t get me wrong, I love fresh air, too. Especially this time of year, it’s as simple as going outside for a brisk walk, running along the beach, or grabbing a friend and heading to the gym – getting your circulation and lymphatic systems flowing will be a game-changer for your skin.

Skin-Loving Serums

I recently shared an entirely make up, filter free photo and so many women asked how I’ve faded my melasma. I sent them to this link… Many of the skincare products lining the shelves at your local drugstore are made with cheap, toxic ingredients. And although they may promise glowing skin and provide you with short-term results, they aren’t doing the long-term health of your skin any favors. One of my favorite ways to get glowing skin is with ingredients that actually support the skin and create a seriously healthy glow. From brightening the complexion, balancing oil production and increasing collagen levels, skin-loving serums (this one is a MUST for me) provide just enough hydration for a hot summer day and gives skin a dewy, healthy glow. 

Intentional Sun Time

I know, I know, I did say baking in the sun is not the best way to go about getting a glowing complexion, BUT getting adequate amounts of sun-to-skin contact (15-20 minutes is all you need to get your Vitamin D!) is a vital piece in achieving healthy skin and overall well-being. Being intentional about getting short bursts of sunshine to receive its benefits (which include the suppression of acne-causing bacteria), rather than abusing time in the sun (causing free radical damage), can create glowing and healthy skin without compromising skin integrity or incurring long term damage. One walk a day, I’ll let my skin soak in some protected Vitamin-D and then the rest of the day I am staying covered up. If you’re wondering which safe sunscreen I love, it’s this one.

I love your Smile

Okay fine, you can pour yourself a glass of wine to go along with this cheese, but I’m serious! Smiling is proven to start a cycle of happiness throughout your brain and body – when we smile, our brain feels happier and when our brain is happier our body (aka skin!) becomes healthier. It’s all too easy to forget that a truly lasting and contagious glow comes from within and no matter how many things you do to improve your skin’s health, nothing will make your complexion glow more than a positive spirit – cultivating joy on the inside will inevitably reveal itself on the outside. I’ll cheers to that! 

Want to know my all-natural skincare secret?

Check it out here (and grab your discount with JK10 at checkout!)

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