Beyond the Titles: Who is the Real Ed Mylett?

October 21, 2019



The cover art for the Ed Mylett Show shows a sunglass-wearing Ed, a guy who clearly spends some time in the gym walking with swagger you can sense through the photo, and his private jet and Bentley providing the backdrop. Who IS this guy?

Ed Mylett’s podcast is consistently holding down the top 50 on Apple Podcasts and he is in the Top 50 Wealthiest under 50. Ed decided from a young age that if he was going to work for a living, he was going to work for himself and call his own shots. He is a leading speaker in the business space and with his podcast and YouTube channel teaches millions how to elevate and maximize their lives.

We sat down for a conversation at his Laguna Beach home a few months ago and I’ll be honest, it’s not often I invite men to the show, but Ed’s story is so interesting to me. We kick off this episode with a question no one’s ever asked him before: Who is Ed Mylett beyond the titles? And his answer truly shocked me.

After this interview, Drew and I were out to dinner with the babe and Ed texted me saying, “I feel like I just made a lifelong friend today.” I honestly couldn’t agree more. Ed Mylett is getting the Goal Digger treatment. Press play on the player above for the full conversation.

Ed Without the Titles

“He’s an insecure guy,” Ed started. I wasted no time getting to the heart of who Ed Mylett really is. I wanted to know beyond the accolades and titles and wealth, what is he all about? He explained to me that he landed in the self-help and personal development space out of necessity. The strategies he shares with his audience are things he needed for himself.

Ed shared about his upbringing in a loving family, but his father was an alcoholic. He said, “Anyone who comes from any dysfunction as a child… it affects who you are as a person. But everything happened for me, and not to me.”

Those experiences, that life, is what shaped some of the insecurities he has inside of him, and what he believes lead him to the space and path he is on now.

But as he shared later in the interview, he doesn’t walk around an insecure guy. Ed has found that confidence is about keeping promises you make to yourself. Press play on the episode above (or click one of the handy links direct to your favorite player) to hear the full conversation.

His Relationship with Money

Ed has accumulated a lot of wealth. It’s not a secret. His Top 50 Wealthiest under 50 status is only one of the indicators that Ed is worth a lot. So I’m curious, as a man who is held up as a success partly because of the money he’s made, what is his relationship with money?

“I’m more afraid of being broke than I am excited about being rich,” Ed said simply. He used to believe that if he just got a bunch of money, he’d be happy. That if he one day owned a jet, then he’d be satisfied. And while he disagrees that material things can’t make you happy (of course they do!) he conceded that material things don’t fulfill you.

“I would recommend to everyone to go get a bunch of money, it’s a wonderful thing, but if you’re deluded into thinking that you’ll be fulfilled, you’re crazy,” he said point-blank.

Ed shared his interesting philosophy on what money truly does for and to people. He started, “Money is a magnifier. If you’re a good, generous, loving, kind, giving person, [money] will magnify that.” Ed believes the opposite is true, too.

His First Experience Serving Others

Ed’s motivation in business and in life has changed through many different seasons. But he first knew he wanted to serve others when his dad came home from an AA meeting one day. Ed was unemployed at the time and his dad said he’d found a job and Ed needed to show up the next day. It was at an orphanage for boys.

The boys at this orphanage had come from incredibly dire circumstances. Their parents had passed away, were incarcerated, the boys had been abused, molested, and rejected. It was Ed’s role to be their big brother figure. His life altered from that point.

He took that experience with him into business. Working with those boys Ed learned on a new level that people just want someone to believe in them, to love them and to encourage them. This was one of the most fulfilling times in Ed’s life that laid a foundation for service in his business.

The First Step in Pursuing Your Dreams

I asked Ed a question I’m sure he gets a lot. For someone where he was all those years ago, a person searching for significance, reaching for their dreams, and just trying to figure out what they’re passionate about, where do they begin?

Ed offered a few ways to think about this. First, take a deeper look at the people who inspire you. Who are your heroes? Ed argues that we consider them our heroes because we see a bit of ourselves in them. The things we admire about our heroes are actually the gifts we have in ourselves. They may manifest in a different way, but you can find links between yourself and those you hold up as people you want to become.

“But forget what you’re passionate about,” Ed encouraged. “If you want to find a happy human, it’s someone who has found out what they’re good at and they do it to serve others. Take your giftedness and use those to serve others.”

Ed expanded on this idea, this concept of finding your gifts and leaning into them to serve others. Press play to hear the whole thing from Ed himself.

More from This Episode

Can I get an AMEN? This conversation is filled with moments like these — nuggets of mind-opening wisdom that surprised, intrigued, and challenged me. And I know they’ll do the same for you. We talked about his relationship with his wife Kristianna, what motivates him now versus when he first started, and what he believes is missing from the most successful people in the world… Because he’s met them, he’s worked with them, and he knows them. And I challenged Ed at the very end with this question: What do you wish more women had these days? Yup, we went there. Press play above to hear the entire inspiring chat.

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