6 Lessons I Learned Growing a 6-Figure Photography Business

March 22, 2017


Today on the Goal Digger Podcast, I’m going to uncover the 6 big lessons I learned growing a 6-figure photography business over the last 6 years.  Now, I also wanted to let you know that coming up very soon we are going to have 5 FREE trainings (with Q&As at the end) on how I doubled my photography income in less than two years, all while working less! You can register today here or by clicking on the button below – this is our chance to hang out live, and we won’t do this again until Fall so join me while you still can. Spots are filling up really fast!

More isn’t always more:

When I first started out, I wanted to work with any couple that was willing to invest in me – in fact, I couldn’t believe I was actually getting paid to do what I loved! What a thrill! The truth is, I was on an upward trajectory believing the lie that more was better, but it took a long time to realize that less could be more. When I was booking more weddings it meant more money but also more weekends away, more work, and more of a risk for burnout. Stop trading your hours for pennies, know your worth and you’ll stop discounting your prices!

Master your craft:

Yup, I can’t believe the girl who shot in “P” mode for the better part of two years is telling you this, but I can tell you I would have lost a lot less sleep had I had known how to use my gear well. I feared poorly lit churches, I dreaded receptions, I was this girl who was faking it until I made it and if I could go back and really invest in some time spent mastering my craft from the beginning, understanding my gear, and knowing that I could walk into any situation and deliver incredible images I would have been much better off. Whatever you are doing, take time to master it so that you never question if you can give your clients an experience worth every penny.

You are your biggest selling point:

Let’s be honest, we are all using the same gear, same editing software, same presets, and our work is all starting to look the same. These days, it’s rare to see an image that just stops you in your tracks. You can’t just rely on your work to be your selling point, I truly believe that YOU, the person, need to be the connection point. When people love YOU, they will love and appreciate your art even more. Stop hiding behind your work, stop telling other people’s stories and not your own, don’t be afraid to share what makes you different.

Stay in your lane:

Ooofta, this is a tough one. It’s really hard as an artist in any field to not fall prey to the comparison game. In fact, in any field comparison is the real deal. When I started I paid close attention to what everyone else was doing in the industry. I wanted to blend in, I didn’t want to be the fraud I felt like I was. It was easy to want to change my website every time someone else did or swap out my pricing to match my “competition.” When I learned to put my head down and do my best work was when I started to swim against the current and really make a name of myself.

Know who you are speaking to:

Understanding your ideal clients intimately can change the game for you as a business owner. If it feels like you’re screaming into the void or you aren’t really resonating with your dream clients, chances are, you aren’t positive on who they are. I used to want to convince every bride and groom that I was the right photographer to them… when I understood that I didn’t need to be right for EVERYONE, I just had to clearly speak to the 20 clients I needed, my business changed and my brand evolved.

Build your business around your life:

Don’t build your life around your business! They say that entrepreneurs would rather work 80 hours for themselves than 40 hours for someone else. It’s true, it really is, but if you build your business like that and don’t start implementing workflow or expanding your team, your life will always be centered around your business. I remember when I felt like my business would crumble if I took a weekend off, now I take a month off and things keep running! Always focus on how you can simplify your business with systems, outsourcing, or new workflow tools. Time is money, friends.

There have been so many lessons in growing this business from a Craigslist camera to a photography business that includes a team and associates and so many things I want to teach so that I can shorten your learning curve. You don’t need to go it alone, in fact, it’s silly for you to do that. That’s why I am teaching a training: “How I Doubled My Photography Income in Less Than 2 Years – While Working Less” and I want for you to join me LIVE and for free! Click the link below to snag your seat and get your pen and notepad out, I’ll be teaching you all kinds of things you can implement today!

Looking for more photography biz tips and tricks?

Join me for my FREE training on How I Doubled My Photography Income in Less than 2 Years!

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  1. Nice and very helpful lessons especially if you are the type of photographer that is based only on wedding photography. This is really an helpful tips. Good work

  2. thea says:

    THANKS for sharing! LOVE love love this talk. Super informative and inspiring.

  3. Hi Jenna I’m a makeup artist on Maui and I took your secret sauce quiz … even though I’m not a photographer I feel like our businesses have a lot of cross over. I just wanted to tell you that it was so accurate “Visionary” I actually almost started crying and I’m tearing up writing this to you. After being in this business for 20 years I feel like this sums me up. I don’t need a title but I felt so validated reading my results . I am am who I believe I am . Thank you Jenna you truely have the gift of encouragement 💕

  4. Hi Jenna I’m a makeup artist on Maui and I took your secret sauce quiz … even though I’m not a photographer I feel like our businesses have a lot of cross over. I just wanted to tell you that it was so accurate “Visionary” I actually almost started crying and I’m tearing up writing this to you. Thank you you truly have the gift of encouragement 💕

  5. Jan says:

    Jenna, you’re the fresh voice I’ve been longing to hear for years. God bless you and your gift to lift others up. Keep on shining your beautiful light in those dark corners.

  6. […] te gusta tomar fotos de tu familia y amigos? Puede que te sorprenda que hay fotógrafos que hacen cientos de miles ¡e incluso millones de dólares al año gracias a su […]



Before you get any further... Hi! I'm Jenna Kutcher!

I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to make a living doing what they love (without it taking over their life).  One of my favorite places to be is here, sharing what I'm learning with you. I'm glad you're here!



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