Mentoring Session with Caitlin Elliott

March 20, 2017


Today on episode 32 of the Goal Digger Podcast I’m really excited to introduce an alumni of two of my online courses, Caitlin Elliott. We’re going to talk about all of the things that she’s doing: from her full-time job, to pursuing her creative endeavors. We’re also going to walk through a brilliant idea that I have for her on how she can combine all of her favorite things into a sustainable business model. If you want to apply to be coached live on the podcast, click here!


Caitlin is a creative at heart who has passions in many different creative avenues (1:26).

“Anything that makes someone’s heart skip a beat, I want to help capture that for them.” (3:43)

Caitlin dreams to have some type of space where other creatives could come and take classes and meet like-minded people (4:03).

“I think that it is important for young entrepreneurs too have a space like that.” (4:20)

One of Caitlin’s struggles is being a perfectionist, which stems from her upbringing. (10:59)

“I am very hard on myself. I am such a perfectionist that I have this fear, not of failing, but (from) the shame from failing.” (11:03)

There are lots of ways that Cailtin can monetize her creative needs and wants. She notes that she wants to incorporate more social media in to her business (19:40).

“I think I just need to go after it and take that leap of faith and trust in myself that I can do it” (25:50)

We come up with a 5-step strategy on how to get Caitlin started on shifting her business (26:02).

It is very possible to become a legitimate business, and not let the small things hold you back (26:16)!

I suggest Caitlin starts paying close attention to companies in the area and begin to follow their strategies. She can offer them a service to get them engaged and familiar with her and what you she value she provides (28:02).

It’s so important to create a community (29:52)!

“You don’t need permission to do what makes you happy and it is possible to achieve your dreams even while doing a thousand others things” (38:00)


Caitlin’s website






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  1. I think these coaching sessions are brilliant. It goes to show we can learn from any stage of business; beginners and influencers alike. Thank you for always sharing such inspiring posts and podcasts. There is always so much value.



Before you get any further... Hi! I'm Jenna Kutcher!

I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to make a living doing what they love (without it taking over their life).  One of my favorite places to be is here, sharing what I'm learning with you. I'm glad you're here!



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