What Type of Instagrammer Are You?

November 16, 2018


Ever wonder what your Instagram says about you? Yeah, I’ve wondered that…. like what the heck do people know about me from these little squares. Well, I’m here to give you the answers you’ve been searching for in a way you’ll LOVE. Which type of Instagrammer are you?

I’ve found FIVE main categories of Instagrammers!

1.) The Product Purveyor: Instagram is your very own digital display case. It’s your opportunity to portray your passions and pair them with your product offerings. Hard? Maybe. Impossible? Heck no. All these questions fill your head: why aren’t I making sales? What’s with the unfollows? What am I doing wrong? Jumping off that hamster wheel takes a perspective shift. When you’re selling products online, it’s not a numbers game, it’s an exercise in trust building. Here are three ways to build trust and foster connection, which believe me, always leads to more sales.

2.) The Creative Visionary: More often than not it’s your story that sets the scene for the sale. Here’s the thing, you can’t just weave your wonders from behind the curtain. Your followers want to see YOU. Service providers of the world unite. There’s never been a better time to be selling access to your unique talents. The world is hungry for skilled professionals that aren’t afraid to be themselves. Insta puts a spin on traditional marketing because instead of letting your work speak for itself, you get to share the story behind it. This is transforming the way services have traditionally been sold.

3.) The Queen Behind the Scenes: You’re likely a scroller but you rarely post. You know what happens next, right? I tell you that it’s time to stop being a lurker and start letting yourself be real on Instagram.  If you think scrolling is fun, just wait until you start posting, engaging, and commenting… way more fun. Whether it’s fear, imposter syndrome, or not knowing what to say— these are totally solvable problems that everyone faces at one point or another. It’s time to own your awesome and start growing that confidence that will help you share your story with the world.

4.) The Showstopper: You get people to pay attention by showcasing value-driven content, sharing meaningful stories, and knowing exactly who you’re talking to and WHY. Your actual business may be highly specific—whether you’re a foodie, a fashionista, or something totally different, Insta is the perfect spot to get more eyeballs on your content, more traffic to your website, and more influence in your zone of genius.

5.) The Magical Moment Collector:  Your intention behind the lens brings stillness to life’s never-ending movement. If there’s one type of business designed to thrive on Instagram… It’s photographers. You’ve got the visual element down, but there’s more to Insta than gorgeous photos.
To really flourish as a photographer, you have to step out from behind the lens and show the world who YOU are. Luckily, I’ve been there, and I can help…

Here’s the secret: people want to engage with you, the real YOU. The number one killer of real growth on Instagram is a forced perspective of an already false image. Don’t just play the game – tell a real story. People can sniff out inauthenticity from light years away, especially the real people you’re looking for. Isn’t that beautiful, though? You get to be YOU.

You’re so good at being you, and when you step out bravely onto that stage, share who you are, what you know, and how you want to serve — that’s compelling. Everyone has a hunger for what’s true and real, and you are a piece of that! So, push away the doubt that says you have nothing to offer. You’ve had EVERYTHING to offer! And I’m here for you in all the frustrations as we are all learning about to keep growing the things we care about.

In fact, I want you to hop on over to my Instagram quiz right now and find out exactly what kind of Instagrammer you are and then embrace it! I created it to help you own your Instagram personality, get resources that will help you grow, and share how you can leverage it all (and connect with ‘grammers just like ya!)

And if you’re looking for the answers to all of those other unanswered questions you have about Instagram, check out my totally free training: 3 Secrets to Gain Your Next 1,000 Followers. See you on the ‘gram!

Check out my totally free training

3 Secrets to Gain Your Next 1,000 Followers

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Before you get any further... Hi! I'm Jenna Kutcher!

I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to make a living doing what they love (without it taking over their life).  One of my favorite places to be is here, sharing what I'm learning with you. I'm glad you're here!



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