A Conversation with Tony Robbins

April 19, 2019


Tony Robbins

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From day one, November 22, 2017, The Goal Digger Podcast has welcomed over 125 women to share their stories of life, business, and growth and to inspire us all with their actionable tips and rock solid advice to navigate our own big goals. Until today, I have never sat up to the mic with a male guest. I’m breaking that trend and ending the all-female streak in this bonus episode because I know this guest brings with him a truly transformational message, and a reputation in the world of business that precedes him. Today I welcome Tony Robbins to The Goal Digger Podcast.

He needs no introduction, but Tony Robbins is an entrepreneur, a best-selling author and philanthropist, and the number one Life and Business Strategist in the country. More than 50 million people have enjoyed the warmth, humor, and transformational power of Tony’s business and personal development events, webinars, and one-on-one coaching. His books have landed at the top of the New York Times Best Seller list, and his business holdings exceed $5 Billion dollars a year. Tony Robbins helps people live a healthier, wealthier, more fulfilling, passionate and purposeful life, and close the gap between where they are and where they want to be.

We’re talking about how we, as women, can step up to the plate, the 5 steps needed to really make change, why sometimes it takes investing in ourselves to truly transform, and let’s just say his closing call out to ladies gave me goosebumps. Here he is, Tony Robbins.

In His Own Words

“I’m an obsessive person. I’m obsessed with knowing what makes the difference in the quality of people’s lives,” Tony began. For 42 years Tony has been helping people navigate their best lives and it all started with a fascination as a kid. Tony remembers being bullied by the popular kid in junior high, and wondering why someone so mean could be so popular? He wanted to understand human psychology, to understand what motivates people to be the way they are. Through studying human behavior, he found patterns. “What we call ‘ourselves’ are really just patterns we’re caught up in.” Tony recognizing patterns that could change people in a matter of minutes. His patterns were soon in high-demand… From athletes to presidents, to individuals contemplating taking their own lives. Tony had to deliver real results for these people, quickly, and he continues to do just that, now in massive stadiums and arenas and online for millions of people each year. Tony put it simply, “I get lit up by lighting other people up.”

His First Investment

“People who pay, pay attention,” I love this quote. With his massive success in his industry and in the business world, I was curious about the very first investment Tony made in his business that helped launch it all. When Tony was working as a janitor and doing odd jobs at 17-years old, he asked the man who he worked for how he came to be so successful. The man told Tony he attended a seminar that condensed decades of knowledge and experiences into 3.5 hours, allowing him to learn skills to be successful from someone who had already gone through the challenges. Tony wanted in, but the seminar cost a week’s pay. He struggled with the decision, but ultimately decided to invest and attend the seminar. He was so taken with the message of the speaker, that Tony wanted to work for him, but the speaker said he could only work for him if he took all of his classes at a massive investment of $1200. Tony, living in his car, walked into bank after bank until he found one who would lend him the money to take the seminars, and from that point he worked hard to pay back the loan.

The Best Investment You Can Make

“You have to work harder on yourself than you do on your job,” Tony encouraged. The best investment you can make is in yourself. Tony continues to invest in himself in many different ways, and in our interview he shared the five steps he takes to invest in himself. First, he knows that “readers are leaders”, so his goal is to read biographies and stories of other people for at least two hours a day. He’s determined to feed his brain. Second, along with feeding and strengthening his mind, Tony is focused on feeding and strengthening his body. Each day when he hops out of bed he jumps in 50-degree water. This habit challenges him physically and mentally. “There’s not a day that I WANT to jump in that water, but I don’t negotiate with myself.” This practice challenges and strengthens his mental discipline. Third, Tony encourages people to invest in themselves by finding a role model who has done what you want to do. A great role model can shorten the path and time it will take you to get there. Fourth on the list, you need a plan. Act on the plan and be flexible when it doesn’t work. And finally, Tony encourages people to, “find someone who is worse off than you are and help them because it will remind you how lucky you are, that your life is blessed even when you’re in a challenging place.”

“In essence, most people don’t start because they think they’re not ready, they’re not qualified, they’re not good enough… They ask all these questions but what they’re trying to answer is the question of ‘how?’” Tony’s secret: “Avoid the how.” You need to know WHAT you want, and WHY you want it, and then you will unveil the HOW.

Teaching Others How to Teach Others

Tony and my business coach, Dean Graziozi, are teaming up to share some of the best knowledge, advice, and actionable tips on creating a course. The two have combined their 60 years of experience into an online program that will help you extract the knowledge that you or someone else has, package it into a course, and sell it. I am an online educator, and it’s where a majority of my profits come from. I get questions about creating courses all the time, so I’m excited that Tony and Dean are putting this together and have a free online training on April 30th. I’ll be online chatting live during this training so I hope you’ll save your spot at JENNASLINK.COM to join me. Maybe you’ve attended webinars and trainings about this before, but it’s never been packaged quite this way, and it’s never been more complete. I feel like we might break the internet when Tony and Dean come together!

The Fear of Success

I see women all the time not fearing failure, but fearing success. What would happen if you actually became a success? I asked Tony what he’d say to women facing this fear. His response dug into the underlying concerns that cause the fear of success, and he had a strong piece of advice: “Focus on something that you care about more than failure, more than you care about fear. Motive matters.”

Tony and I get into so much more — from the importance of surrounding yourself with the best and what that looks like for you, to the motivating words for anyone who wants to use their knowledge to take action. This episode was truly a milestone for me (I mean, it’s TONY ROBBINS!) but I am so excited for our conversation to reach your ears and hear your response to our first ever male guest on The Goal Digger Podcast. Press play on the player above for the full BONUS episode of The Goal Digger Podcast.


Save Your Spot and Tune In to the LIVE Webcast with Tony Robbins


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  1. […] Digger Podcast with Jenna Kutcher this week and it was a great episode. I’d highly recommend giving it a listen. The second he referenced his role in Shallow Hal I was hooked […]

  2. […] First, every human on this planet – those people that are successful and achieve great things or those people that live mediocre lives – have exactly the same 24 hours in their day. No more and no less. It’s what you DO with those 24 hours that will determine which life you live. […]

  3. Mel says:

    This was one of my favourite podcasts of yours!

  4. […] to listen to if you want to connect: The Goal Digger Podcast, specifically this one with Tony Robbins.  For me, this hit home the power of connecting to your larger purpose, which is ultimately in […]

  5. […] a podcast to hear his story of rags to riches, do yourself a favor and have a listen. Here’s one. He’s one amazing guy. And another side note: When I was writing this post, I did a little […]



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