6 Perks I Wish I Knew About Podcasting 8 Years Ago

March 13, 2024


Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Pandora

Over the last 7 and a half years, I have shared my journey in business, motherhood, health, marriage, and everything in between speaking into this mic right here… and it has been one of the most fulfilling ways I share my story and the lessons I learn along the way. 

If starting a podcast is on your vision board, come to my free live training on Podcasting 101: 3 Easy Steps to Launch Your Show, where you’ll learn how to start, record, and launch your podcast in just THREE easy steps!

Today, I’m going to tell you 6 unexpected perks of podcasting that most people don’t talk about. Sure, we all know that podcasts provide credibility for your brand, open up new monetization opportunities, and build community in a whole new way.

But these 6 perks are different – they’ll surprise you, and I bet they’ll have you asking yourself, “Should I start a podcast?!” 

(The answer is yes, by the way!)

1. Connecting with Influential People

One of the most exciting aspects of having a podcast is the opportunity it provides to connect with people you admire.

Whether it’s experts in your field or individuals you look up to, having a podcast gives you a legitimate reason to reach out and invite them to be guests on your show.

A podcast opens the door to valuable conversations and learning experiences that you may not have had access to otherwise!

2. Gentle Selling and Building Relationships

Podcasting offers a unique platform for promoting your products or services without coming across as pushy or salesy.

By providing valuable content and inviting listeners to learn more about your offerings, you can build trust and credibility with your audience.

This gentle approach to selling allows you to showcase your expertise and connect with potential customers in a meaningful way.

3. Monetization Opportunities

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need a massive audience to monetize your podcast.

There are various ways to generate income through sponsorships, brand partnerships, affiliate marketing, and more.

By strategically leveraging your podcast and guest collaborations, you can create revenue streams and gather valuable insights to enhance your business offerings.

4. Dominate Content Creation

Podcasting is a content creator’s dream, offering a wealth of opportunities to repurpose and distribute your content across multiple platforms.

By repurposing podcast episodes into YouTube videos, social media posts, blog content, and email campaigns, you can maximize the reach and impact of your message.

Building a robust content library allows you to address your audience’s needs and establish yourself as an authority in your niche.

5. Faceless Endeavor and Flexibility

For those who prefer to remain behind the scenes or are uncomfortable with video content, podcasting offers a faceless yet powerful platform to share your message.

You can record episodes in any setting, without the need for elaborate setups or visual presentation.

This flexibility allows you to focus on delivering quality content without the pressure of appearing on camera.

6. Long-Form Content and Searchability

Long-form content is making a comeback, and podcasting is the perfect medium to deliver in-depth, valuable information to your audience.

With a podcast, you can create searchable, evergreen content that continues to attract listeners long after its initial release.

Head to to see how a content library works in action!

By focusing on building a content vault that addresses your audience’s questions and needs, you can establish a strong presence and provide ongoing value to your listeners.

Free Podcasting 101 Class

As you can probably tell, I’m obsessed with podcasting. Nothing beats the power of podcasting when you want to develop a deeper, more honest connection with your audience. (An audience you won’t find on any other platform!)

No matter your skill level, your passion, your niche, your experience (or even whether you have a business or not!), a podcast can be your most impactful new chapter of growth. And, speaking from experience here, the part of your week you look forward to the most!

If that sounds like YOUR next chapter, grab a seat for my FREE Podcasting 101 class at to help YOU get your voice out into the world!

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Before you get any further... Hi! I'm Jenna Kutcher!

I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to make a living doing what they love (without it taking over their life).  One of my favorite places to be is here, sharing what I'm learning with you. I'm glad you're here!



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