Pinterest SEO Traffic Secrets: How We Went from 0 to 4 Million Views

March 23, 2023


Have you been spending all of your time trying to crack the social media algorithm for what seems like years? We’ve all been there. But I’m about to tell you a huge secret — if you’re only using social media platforms and not search engine platforms, you’re leaving TONS of views (and $$$) on the table. Yep, that’s right. I’m talking about Pinterest.

Pinterest is actually a search engine, not a social media platform! This means that users are coming to Pinterest with different intentions: they’re searching for something in the search bar, whether it’s inspiration for their home or closet, a creative solution to a problem, or an expert in a particular area.

When you use Pinterest effectively, you will be one of the top results when someone searches for that thing you’re amazing at. 

Trust me on this one, because when I started devoting some time to boosting my SEO on Pinterest, my page went from 0 views to 4,000,000 (and counting!). Yep – that’s FOUR MILLION. Pinterest shows your monthly page views in addition to your follower count, and page views is a much better metric when it comes to seeing who’s actually viewing your content! Ready to see your page views soar? Try these three steps to boost your SEO, and watch that number tick higher and higher. 

RELATED: How I Increased My Monthly Pinterest Viewers By 500k

1. Do your research. 

When I’m settling into a good keyword search session, Pinterest is always my #1 stop. When users enter a broad term into their search bar, Pinterest will auto-fill a list of the most common searches within that niche on their platform. This is incredibly helpful, because I can then use those common searches to name my blog posts, write my pin descriptions, and find the best possible keywords to target.

When you create great content, you want as many people as possible to see it, of course — and using Pinterest for SEO research is the best way to get a firm grasp on what your audience is actually looking for so that you can target them effectively.

2. Let your popular pins tell you what to do.

About once a month, I sit down to perform a mini content audit on Pinterest. I take a look at all of the analytics for my boards and posts, noting which things performed well and which ones didn’t quite take off the way I’d expected.

Sometimes, I would be really excited about a pin, but when I checked the stats, my audience didn’t love it as much as I did. Other times, it was clear that we were totally aligned — the data proved it!

Then, I would round up a list of pins and boards that did best for that month and use that information to plan my next batch of content! The trick with Pinterest (and with most things, honestly) is to keep doing what’s working. If your audience is connecting with a specific idea or offer, keep pushing that and you’ll see your numbers start to climb. 

3. Use those Pinterest keywords strategically!

Once I started sourcing keywords and using them to inform my content plan, I took things one step further and infused those popular keywords everywhere I could. Pinterest is a unique platform in that every place with text is searchable. This means your pin titles, descriptions, board names, profile name and bio, and even the title of the images that you upload to the platform for your pin graphics can help your pins and boards pop up in users’ home feeds!

I know I keep saying this, but it’s because I want you to remember it every time you log in: Pinterest is a search engine. You can use keywords in so many different ways to help your content climb higher in the feeds of the customers you want most.

RELATED: The Comprehensive Guide to Using Pinterest for ANY Business Type

These three SEO tips took me from 0 to millionaire when it comes to page views. And remember — even though people use Pinterest for general ideas and inspiration a lot, they’re logging on because they’re looking for something. Think of it as “purchasing by discovery.”

Your future customers may not know they’re looking for you, or even know what to type into Google to find you! But once you connect with them on Pinterest, you have the golden opportunity to turn them into a warm lead and (hopefully!) a paying customer. Better numbers mean better chances for new clients, so let’s get pinning!

The Pinterest Lab is now OPEN!

Learn about how to supercharge your traffic (& sales) inside the lab!

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  1. Thank you! I’ve taken your advice and it’s really helped jump my Pinterest traffic. I’m not to the “millions” point like you are, but thousands per day is great for me!



Before you get any further... Hi! I'm Jenna Kutcher!

I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to make a living doing what they love (without it taking over their life).  One of my favorite places to be is here, sharing what I'm learning with you. I'm glad you're here!



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