10 Experts Share Their Most Powerful Marketing Secrets for 2020

January 1, 2020


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Happy New Year! Happy 2020! Happy new decade! This is the very first episode of The Goal Digger Podcast in 2020 and if you press play, you’ll hear our fresh new sound. New year, new me, that’s the motto right?

But that’s not all we’ve got on day one of this fresh new year. We have a stacked list of experts on the show to share the biggest piece of marketing advice they’ve got to get your new year off to an incredible start.

Amy Porterfield, Russel Brunson, Dean Graziosi, Tiffany “The Budgetnista” Aliche, Sunny Lenarduzzi, Brendon Burchard, Ed Mylett, Marie Forleo, Jaclyn Johnson, and Claire Baker are all here to each give us a mini marketing lesson and share their favorite marketing hacks that will take your biz goals into the new year in a big way. I’m taking notes on these, too.

Ready for some expert advice to light the fire under your marketing for 2020?

Share More Video

Amy Porterfield and Sunny Lenarduzzi both shared marketing hacks for something that’s still a struggle for me: video.

Amy Porterfield’s hack is actually part of her own goals for this year, “2020 is my year of doing even more video and finding really easy ways to make that happen!” One of those easy ways to make it happen is a tool called BombBomb.

BombBomb allows you to easily embed a video in your emails. It converts the video into a clickable GIF so you have a fun visual instead of just a link, “It is really personal and adds a layer of curiosity to my emails,” Amy explained

Think about sending a quick video email to one of your clients or consider creating a video for a launch, promotion, or special piece of content and embed that into an entire list email.

For Sunny Lenarduzzi, she realized her more natural, minimally edited, less produced videos got way more engagement. This means less work for you, but it also means more attention on your content.

Sunny tested it out with her YouTube channel, dialing back her set and simplifying her camera setup, and it has lead to exponential growth on her channel.

“The most valuable thing about your video content, or any social media content, is the impact it’s going to make on the viewer, the audience, or the listener. So when you stay focused on that and you don’t get too caught up in what it looks like, you’ll notice a lot more impact and engagement. They’ll appreciate the value you’re providing versus the production value.”

Subscriptions & Frameworks

Brendon Burchard and Russell Brunson both offered up ideas to get you thinking differently about how you can grow your business, or what might be the next step, with a look at subscriptions and frameworks.

Brendon wants you to increase the value of your customers with subscriptions. Many people put something for sale one time. Your job is to ask how you can actually sell something and then bolt on an offer to sign up for something on a monthly or recurring billing. When you sell something one time, the value of that customer is tied to that one purchase. A subscription model multiplies the lifetime value of the customer.

In practice, it might look like a thank you page after a customer has made their purchase that shares the subscription offer. Or if they’re on your email list/series for that purchase, introduce the customer to a free trial or $1 trial for the subscription offer. “By having that in the funnel, you’ll be able to take the customer value and 10x it.”

And Russell explained the focus in his business going into the new year is frameworks. “Everything we sell is a framework,” Russell Brunson explained. A framework is your own customized, proprietary process to do something. All of us have our own, and you can sell yours. Look at your business through that lense: What are you doing for your clients that you can put into a sellable framework to give more people a result?

Authenticity and Stamina

People are sick of the scammy sounding sales pitches they hear on social media. It’s inauthentic, and in 2020, Dean Graziosi wants you to strive for authenticity in your marketing. He explained, “The world just wants the best version of you, they want the truest, purest form,” Dean explained.

It’s also about letting your clients, students, or prospects to feel understood in this way. To impact someone, you don’t need them to understand YOU. You need to understand THEM.

Dean also recommended having marketing stamina in 2020. What does that look like? Press play to hear his full explanation.

Cycle Tracking

Claire Baker is a period coach, and if you remember her episode all about cycle tracking, you’ll know what a game-changer it can be to understand your hormones and the seasons of your menstrual cycle. In 2020, she encourages you to take cycle syncing into your business and align your tasks and projects with your own flow.

The key here is cycle charting. Press play on the episode above (or find it on your favorite app) for a quick rundown on cycle charting. Trust me, I’ve done it, and once you come to understand why you’re feeling certain ways and how you can leverage the different seasons of your cycle, everything changes.

More from this Episode

These show notes only cover a portion of the incredible tips shared by our 10 guests in this episode of The Goal Digger Podcast. We’ve also got Tiffany “The Budgetnista” Aliche with advice on storytelling. Ed Mylett shared his #MAXOUT 2 Minute Drill and what it’s done for the engagement on his social media. Jaclyn Johnson of Create + Cultivate details her idea for partner marketing. And the incomparable Marie Forleo closes the show with her totally motivating word of the year and what it means to bring COURAGE into your business. Press play right now and join us in the Goal Digger Podcast Insiders Facebook group to discuss all of the advice shared by our guests.



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