Why It’s Not BAD To LOVE Money

December 18, 2023


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Hot take: It’s not BAD to LOVE money! Money is the lifeblood of any business, and managing it effectively is the key to success.

Kiana Danial, CEO of Invest Diva, wants to help you avoid the common pitfalls that many entrepreneurs fall into and provide you with actionable insights to avoid them!

Kiana is a visionary “mompreneur”, founder and the creator of the Invest Diva movement. Known as the “Queen of Wealth Creation,” she is a six time author, including the Wall Street Journal, Amazon, and USA Today bestselling book Million Dollar Family Secrets.

She personally manages her family’s multi-million dollar investment portfolio that she started with only $500 and coaches her students to make their money work for them without relying on money managers.

In this episode, she’s teaching us how to take control of our money, and there are SO many nuggets of wisdom on how we can achieve financial freedom and start building generational wealth for our families!

Embrace Your Weirdness

Kiana’s story is a testament to the power of embracing your uniqueness. As an immigrant and a minority in different countries, she learned to navigate challenging situations and channel her “weirdness” into something positive.

She encourages us to celebrate our individuality and use it as a driving force to impact others positively. Remember, being weird is just another way of saying you’re unique!

Money is Energy

One of the most profound insights Kiana shared is that money is energy. It’s not just a material possession; it’s a tool for exchanging value. By shifting our mindset and understanding the energetic nature of money, we can attract more abundance into our lives.

Goal Digger, let go of guilt and scarcity around money and start seeing it as a means to create more love, joy, and impact in the world!

Start Investing, Even with Small Amounts

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need a large sum of money to start investing. Kiana emphasizes that even investing $50 per month can lead to significant wealth accumulation over time.

Kiana says that the key is to start early and be consistent. Take advantage of compounding and the power of time. Don’t let the fear of not having enough hold you back from taking the first step.

Celebrate Every Step

Building confidence in investing is crucial, especially for women who may doubt their abilities in this field. Kiana encourages us to celebrate every step of the investing journey, no matter how small.

Whether it’s identifying a company, opening a brokerage account, or making your first investment, each milestone is a win. By acknowledging and celebrating these achievements, you’ll boost your confidence and overcome imposter syndrome.

Focus on Earning More

Instead of solely focusing on cutting back expenses, Kiana suggests shifting our mindset to earning MORE.

Look for opportunities to increase your cash flow, whether through side hustles, affiliate marketing, or other income-generating activities. By increasing your earning potential, you’ll have more resources to invest and create a brighter financial future.

Invest in Your Children’s Future

Generational wealth is a powerful concept, and Kiana provides practical tips for investing in your children’s future. By hiring your children in your business, you can create a revenue stream for them and open the door to tax benefits.

Consider setting up a Roth IRA for minors, allowing your children to enjoy tax-free investment growth. By starting early, you can set them on a path to financial independence and abundance!

Connect With Kiana

If you loved this conversation, be sure to follow Kiana on Instagram and visit her website to start taking control of your finances and achieve financial freedom!

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