Sales 101: A Lesson in Selling for People Who Hate It

November 8, 2021


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I see it all the time. In my course support groups, in my Instagram DMs, in our email inbox… One of the biggest challenges to starting and growing a business is feeling confident in the most important part of the process — selling! Let me tell you, I’ve been in that boat before, and it took some real intentional work to row that boat to shore and plant my feet firmly on the ground of confident sales. 

Katy Prince is an ethical copywriting expert and sales trainer, host of the Study Notes podcast, and founder and CEO at The Squirm-Free School of Business. Katy helps service-based entrepreneurs master the art of “Squirm-Free” selling, so they can increase their revenue and their impact, without feeling icky or weird, or compromising who they are and what they stand for. Katy is on a mission to set a new standard within the coaching industry, free from pressure, shame, FOMO-tactics and gender-charged ickiness.

If selling is your hang-up, if sales makes you squirm, Katy’s here for you. Ready for a lesson in selling that will change your mindset and level up your profit in the process?

Ditch the Sales Cliches

You’ve probably heard the phrase “Always be closing,” or “Coffee is for closers.” These cliches have long surrounded the field and culture of sales. They’ve also contributed to a culture of selling that makes many people feel icky. Do you squirm at the thought of selling your product or service, even though you truly love it?

For Katy Prince, sales comes down to two things — consistent leads coming into your businesses and improving the messaging surrounding your brand and products. 

She explained, “It really comes down to these two things: There’s words and numbers, leads and messaging. It’s a huge sigh of relief and it simplifies what can feel like an overwhelming and complicated process when you’re first learning to navigate sales.”

Know Your Numbers

Katy explained that oftentimes we don’t like selling because we don’t have a full understanding of how our sales and marketing efforts are currently performing. It’s important to track and analyze your numbers to understand where your sales efforts are falling off or could use improvement. Katy created a sales and marketing tracker for you to help get you started with this process, download it here.

When you’re able to view your sales and take a hard look at your numbers, you start to notice things that bring up questions like, “I think there’s room for improvement in my conversion rates. What can I do to better address objections in the seven days after I’ve had a sales conversation with someone?”

Listen First

The second part of improving your sales approach is to review your messaging, which starts with listening. “Your job as a sales person representing your business, even if that means representing just you right now, is to really listen and understand everything that is going on in your ideal client’s life, in their business and their relationship in their family, whatever part of your life you help them with,” Katy explained.

“You want to have that understanding of what their problems are, what their goals are, what their ideas are, what their roadblocks are, what their distractions are, what their hesitations are, what their huge vision is,” she continued, “And then, your job is to process all of that information, assimilate it, and then connect the dots for them, between what they want, and then the features and benefits of the service you offer.”

Here’s the key, “You don’t have to sell anyone on anything. You have to listen to what they want, and then just simply point out where your service can help them with all of those bits and pieces.”

Selling on Scale

The foundation of Katy’s sales philosophy is built on personalized conversations and taking time to listen to the needs of each individual customer, which is great if you’re a coach or selling 1:1 services on a small scale. But what if you’re selling a course or a digital product and need to scale that sales strategy beyond super personalized messaging?

Katy shared, “The beautiful thing is when you’ve had those one-on-one conversations, you can absolutely take what you’ve learned in those one-on-one conversations and scale them up.”

“So for example,” Katy continued, “The way that we write our sales pages is actually very, very similar to how we structure a sales consultation. It takes the reader through the exact same process, however, rather than them filling in the gaps verbally, you are sort of mind-reading in your sales copy by using all of that information that you’ve learned from listening to people throughout those earlier days of your business.”

More from Katy Prince

Do you really have to create one of those long sales pages? Should you send that follow-up email? What does it mean to refresh consent during the sales process? Katy covers these questions and more in our full conversation, so hit play. 

Follow Katy on Instagram @itskatyprince and @squirmfreeschoolofbusiness and don’t forget your free sales and marketing tracker right here.

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Photo credit: Maisie Holden

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