How I Approach Motherhood and CEO Life Now

January 12, 2022


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Holy moley, when I say this episode was a long time in the making, I mean it. The email thread between my podcast producer Kylie and the Almost 30 team was like 40 messages long… But it was for good reason! Krista Williams and Lindsey Simcik are busy women, running their podcast and membership group and serving, serving, serving their community so beautifully. Then there’s me, (at the time) busy growing a human in my belly, running a business, and balancing life with work and learning new ways to find peace in the busiest of seasons. 

But here we are, with recorded evidence that all of our schedules finally aligned to have a conversation about life, and business, and being a mom, and all things in between. You probably heard their interview on Goal Digger a few months back. I also had the pleasure of sharing the mic with Krista and Lindsey on their show, The Almost 30 Podcast. I really loved the chat so much that I asked if I could share that interview with you all on Goal Digger, so that’s exactly what you’re about to hear. 

I don’t do a whole lot of interviews on other shows these days (something I hope to change once I’m back from maternity leave for sure!) but this one was a special reminder that it’s so much fun to hop into someone else’s podcast universe and chat about topics that don’t always come up on my own show. Let’s dive in!

Loss Has Meaning

Krista and Lindsey asked about my relationship with my body now, after two births and two pregnancy losses. I told them something I haven’t shared widely before. When I found out I was pregnant for the very first time, I called my sister. During our conversation, I told her that if I had a miscarriage I would share about it with the world because I wanted my loss to have meaning. My sister told me it was a weird thing to talk about for someone who had never experienced loss, but it seemed like my very first sign of motherhood intuition. 

That first loss felt like God placed this loss in my life so that I could talk about it. But the second time I had written this redemption story in my head, right? Like, God is good and this baby came after this loss. But when we heard there wasn’t a heartbeat for the second time, I was so angry. I was angry at God. I was angry at my body. I remember having this moment, the day that we found out that we had lost another pregnancy being like, is something wrong with me? And yet I had faith that my body was capable of getting and staying pregnant. 

I poured into learning about my body and what I could do to support pregnancy. Turns out my body was begging me to slow down and I wasn’t listening. When I slowed down (and adjusted many other things according to what I learned through medical professionals), pregnancy came, stayed, and gave us Coco and Quinn.

Brakes and Gas Pedal

Something I shared with Krista and Lindsey is that I’ve reached a place where I can trust that I know when to pump the brakes and where to find the gas pedal. For so many women, we believe that our successes are flukes or that we’re going to miss our big break or that the world is going to see our momentum slow down and believe that we stopped or we failed, or we were never successful in the first place.

Now, I trust myself to know when it’s time to speed up or slow down. However, I had to train myself to rest. I had to learn about balance and boundaries and how to work on the right things so I’m not just working, working, working until 2 a.m. as if it’s the only way to reach success and happiness.

I don’t feel guilty at all, working at a slower pace. My business really hasn’t changed all that much. I just am better at asking for help. I’m just at a place where I’m trusting that I can coast a little bit, or I can pause a little bit and when and if I’m ready to go full steam ahead, the world is waiting. 

Identity Shift

I am in a season of an identity shift. I don’t want to be the Instagram expert forever. I am ready to like give up that title to someone who devotes their time to the platform because I am no longer that person.

As more and more women question whether they’re in alignment with their true goals and vision of their lives, I find that getting quiet and honest about what you really want is so important and may lead you to an identity shift of your own.

More from this Conversation

I’m so grateful that Krista and Lindsey welcomed me to the Almost 30 podcast and let me share my motherhood and entrepreneurship experiences with their community. We explored the dynamic when Drew went full-time stay at home dad, how we’re balancing and strategizing motherhood with a second child, the ways I’ve embraced my own evolution, and more. 

If you loved this conversation, Krista and Lindsey have so many interesting, thought-provoking guests on their show, so follow along with Almost 30 on Instagram @almost30podcast and tune into their other episodes wherever you listen to Goal Digger. 

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Before you get any further... Hi! I'm Jenna Kutcher!

I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to make a living doing what they love (without it taking over their life).  One of my favorite places to be is here, sharing what I'm learning with you. I'm glad you're here!



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