No More Excuses: Let’s Get Your Email List Up & Running TODAY

December 12, 2019


Let’s be real. We can ALL make excuses from time to time, and we all hate to admit it. (Or is it just me?!) Whether we’re putting off something we know is good for us or know we should be doing, there’s always room for a million “reasons” (aka, excuses) to hold you back. Maybe you find yourself saying you don’t have time to go to the gym, or you don’t have the funding to start your dream business.

Or maybe you’ve been putting off starting your email list for any number of reasons — and there are A LOT that I’ve heard from my students and other entrepreneurs. Today, I want to talk about a tool that is literally going to remove every single barrier that has been getting in the way of you starting (and rocking) an email list. 

It’s called Flodesk, and it has absolutely streamlined and simplified the process of setting up, maintaining, and building an email list that’s true to your brand. But first, let’s have a little chat about what might be in your way.

The 5 excuses holding you back from creating an email list

Tell me the truth, do any of these sound like you? 

Excuse 01: “The tech stresses me out.”

Okay, I totally get it. Tech can be intimidating, and maybe the backend of your website is a place you only dare to venture whenever you need to write a new blog post or update your about me page.

But let me be the first to assure you that you don’t have to be a pro designer or tech goddess to have a professional email interface. In fact, you can know nothing about tech and still get it done with Flodesk. They have these stunning templates and all the simple instructions you could possibly need to easily, and quickly, get your email list set up and begin shooting off pretty emails in just a few clicks.

Excuse 02: “I don’t even HAVE a website yet.”

The incredible thing about Flodesk is you don’t need a website. You don’t need to even know how to create a website to start an email list.

You can actually create beautiful landing pages and host them right inside the Flodesk platform, and get them on the internet for people to subscribe to your list in less than 5 minutes. It’s the coolest, and it totally removes the obstacle of launching your business website right this second.

Excuse 03: “I don’t have the skills to create on-brand emails.”

No entrepreneur *starts* as an email marketing wiz (unless you came from working in that area previously). But you likely do know the best voice and messages to communicate to your audience. 

As far as everything else branding and design-wise, Flodesk takes the complication out of creating consistently beautiful emails that your list will WANT to open. They thought of everything, from helping you come up with some of the wording to giving you plenty of design options within their pre-made templates so you can keep everything true to your brand.

Excuse 04: “I don’t know what I’d say in even one email, much less on a regular basis.”

Listen, I get the content struggle can be a little mind boggling. Between blog posts and social media and now email marketing, there are so many places to show up for your people and deliver fresh, valuable, interesting content. And that can be a lot of pressure!

If you’re afraid you won’t be able to follow through, just start with a small commitment. Even one email a week or every other week offering some kind of education or encouragement to your audience will show your commitment to being there for them. If you’re still coming up blank for what to say, you should check out my FREE 5-day mini-course all about growing and showing up for your list.

Excuse 05: “I don’t have time to build an email list.”

Everyone’s go-to excuse for all the things is actually a bag of baloney, if you ask me. Honestly, I’ve seen the most profits in my business by creating a consistent email marketing plan and communicating with my audience via their inboxes.

The truth is, we always, always, always make time for our priorities. If this is a priority (and I really think it should be), then you might have to rejig some of your other priorities to make room for it. But I totally believe that you’ll find it’s worth it, through and through. And — am I starting to sound like a broken record?! — it doesn’t NEED to take a ton of time. With the right tools and automation, you can grow an email list with an hour or two of your time a week.

Why I recommend Flodesk to new email list builders

Can I be completely honest with you? If I were starting my email list from scratch today, I would 100-percent sign up for Flodesk immediately. It’s a new email marketing manager that is beyond anything I’ve seen (and let me tell you, I’ve been around the block with email marketing providers). 

I’m a sucker for amazing branding, and they’ve stripped down the design process so you can easily adapt their gorgeous email forms and email templates to fit your business’s look and feel. Like, it takes NO time to make a fully branded email or opt-in page, and they walk you through how to do everything and get it all running without a hitch. 

They have quick tutorials for everything, from creating opt-in forms, sharing a form without a website, customizing an email to your brand, automating workflows, and more so that you can begin building your list and communicating with your people in an on-brand way, right-for-you away. 

It’s pretty incredible, and I’m constantly blown away by the thoughtfulness and quality behind their systems. And, one of the coolest things about it? They give you unlimited subscribers and access to ALL features for $38 per month. I don’t want to name names… But pretty much no other email provider out there gives this much value for this low of a price.

The easiest way to get started

By using this platform, plus by taking advantage of my free mini-course all about taking your email list from zero to 250 subscribers in 30 days, you could be set up to deliver invaluable content and rock your email list that is sure to be growing and thriving in no time. Oh, and have a trusting, devoted audience ready to buy from you when you’re ready to sell your amazing products and services.

It’s kind of a no-brainer, but because I really wanted you to see and play with it for yourself, I convinced my gal pals at Flodesk to give you 30 days for free if you click here and sign up for a trial using my link! Happy email list building!

*I am an affiliate of Flodesk, but all opinions and endorsements are my own. They really are the best in the biz, and I can’t wait for you to see how transformative their email services are.

Wait, you haven’t started an email list yet?!

Join my free challenge where I show you hot to grow your list from 0-250 in just a month!

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Before you get any further... Hi! I'm Jenna Kutcher!

I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to make a living doing what they love (without it taking over their life).  One of my favorite places to be is here, sharing what I'm learning with you. I'm glad you're here!



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