Does that mean I have to get you a gift?

Jenna Kutcher 

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April 4, 2014


Drew and I have this hilarious joke (he thinks it’s hilarious, I have started to laugh at it – five years later.) It all started when we were still in that “celebrate every month” together stage, you know, the one where you text each other Happy Anniversary every thirty days and Drew would make me a new mix CD for my car… yeah, I still have a stack of those. Well, every time I would remind him that some sort of special date was coming up, Drew would joke, “Does that mean I have to get you something?” Hilarious, am I right? Well, next week is my birthday and Drew threw out the classic line but this time I told him, no. To be honest, the older I get the less things I can even think of wanting. If I want something, I buy it. (That’s somewhat of a lie because I am a hermit and most of the time decide it isn’t worth leaving the house for….)


I never want him to stress about what to buy for me – really, I hate seeing him sweat over something so silly. When he asks me what I want, I tell him, “his love.” If that isn’t a cheesy cry for help, I’m not sure what is. He always tries to compare what I got him for his birthday and up the ante… but the problem lies in the fact that even I can’t come up with one thing that I have been yearning for. (I mean, beyond a date with Ryan Gosling – but I’m not holding my breath people.) I think I drive him crazy because every time he asks I come up with another lame idea: a new hairbrush, a bottle of wine, more coffee… I mean, he’d be better off buying things from the current issue of Sky Mall if he really wanted to surprise me, because we all know I need clip on bangs and a dog dung vacuum. (I wish I were making those items up… they are real.)

I laugh at the fact that we now celebrate things just once a year – I hate to break it people, that’s the reality of marriage. But truth be told we try to celebrate daily, it isn’t something that requires flowers or chocolates, maybe just a little hand written note or a sweet text. To me, that means more than stressing over an annual celebration of life. There are already so many emotions that are crammed into a birthday, all I want is a long nap and a hot latte. We truly are just lucky to wake up next to each other each day (seriously, when did I turn into my mom?) So Drew, with that dreaded question, “Does this mean I have to get you a gift?” I have one response: no. Celebrating another day in the life and another year passed is something that deserves a bottle of wine and take out on the couch – you could still make me a mixed CD, because we all know that you are pretty much the ultimate playlist maker. The truth is? Everyday is a gift  (I swear, I thought I stopped being cheesy last paragraph.) The older I get, the less things I need, the more adventures I seek – including the adventures that look a lot like laying on the couch and falling asleep together. So babe, I hate to break it to you but no, you don’t have to get me a gift, just give me an adventure of some sort. Will ya?



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A small town Minnesota photographer, podcaster, educator and puppy rescuer, my happiest days are spent behind my computer screen sharing my secrets with the world. I'm glad you're here.

I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to make a living doing what they love (without it taking over their life). 

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