How to Juggle Your Full Time Job While Building Your Business

May 27, 2024


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It’s no secret that entrepreneurship is hard. Between long days, sleepless nights, and making tough decisions, it’s definitely not for the faint of heart!

And when you combine the challenges of entrepreneurship with being a mom AND having a full time job? Well, let’s just say the stakes are even higher. 

Balancing the demands of entrepreneurship, motherhood, and a full-time job requires a special kind of determination and resilience. It’s a journey that tests your limits and pushes you to grow in ways you never imagined.

However, despite the challenges, the rewards can be immense—both personally and professionally!

In this podcast episode, I’m coaching Gillian Behnke who is the founder of Mom Camp, a company dedicated to helping moms put themselves back on their priority list.

Gillian hosts weekend retreats for moms that include incredible speakers and workshops, delicious food and wine, movement class, campfires, outdoor activities, and more. It’s all about helping moms reignite their spark and reconnect to themselves as humans, alongside being a mom, partner, employee, or boss.

Pretty amazing, right?

Gillian is clearly doing important work, but she is struggling with navigating the challenging waters of managing a full-time job alongside running Mom Camp.

She also hosts the “Mom Camp Around the Campfire” podcast and has recently launched the Priority Mom planner, a 90-day undated planner designed to help moms stay organized and focused.

In our conversation, we discuss how to balance “all the things”, and I also give Gillian advice on how to host exceptional live experiences that return a profit, because events are expensive! 

Ready to explore practical strategies and mindset shifts to apply to your own juggling act? Let’s dive into my coaching session with Gillian Behnke. And if you’d like an opportunity to join me for a coaching session in the future, be sure to join the Goal Digger Podcast Insiders group on Facebook!

Maximizing Time and Efforts

One of the key challenges Gillian faced was ensuring that she was spending her limited time on activities that would truly move the needle in her business. We discussed the importance of strategic planning, especially in her podcast, to drive traffic to her events and planner.

After all, as a business owner who’s juggling a lot of responsibilities, nothing is more important than making sure every moment you spend on your businesses has an ROI (Return on Investment)!

By integrating links and references to her other offerings in her podcast episodes, Gillian can create a seamless flow and increase engagement with her audience.

Scaling the Business

Gillian expressed her desire to scale her business, particularly Mom Camp, while maintaining the magical experience she provides for her guests. Personally, I know a LOT of people who would love what she’s offering, so I was excited to brainstorm with her on this!!

We explored the concept of offering additional services or products to event attendees, such as coaching calls or expert-led sessions, to enhance the overall experience and generate additional revenue.

I told her that when she takes the time to build a community that extends beyond the event itself, Gillian can cultivate long-term relationships with her clients and drive sustainable growth for her business.

Pricing for Success

The topic of pricing was another area of concern for Gillian. Balancing accessibility with profitability is a common challenge for many entrepreneurs, especially in the events industry.

We discussed the importance of setting prices that reflect the value of the experience while also covering costs and allowing for growth. I also told her point-blank that her business might not exist in the future because she’s not charging enough now, and she said that really hits home for her.

We also discussed that by offering payment plans, discounts, and scholarships, Gillian can make her offerings more accessible without compromising on the quality of the experience!

Embracing Flexibility and Stewardship

Throughout our conversation, the themes of flexibility and stewardship emerged as crucial elements for Gillian’s business success.

Embracing a mindset that values time, profitability, and community impact can help ANY business owner (yes, you too!) make informed decisions that benefit both your clients AND yourself.

The key for Gillian is to find that balance between accessibility and profitability, which ensures the long-term sustainability of Mom Camp while continuing to empower and support moms on their journey.

Connect with Gillian Behnke

If you’re inspired by Gillian’s story and want to learn more about Mom Camp, the Priority Mom planner, or the “Mom Camp Around the Campfire” podcast, be sure to visit her website at You can also follow her on Instagram for updates and insights into her empowering work!

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Before you get any further... Hi! I'm Jenna Kutcher!

I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to make a living doing what they love (without it taking over their life).  One of my favorite places to be is here, sharing what I'm learning with you. I'm glad you're here!



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