What Business Leaders Are Really Talking About Behind Closed Doors

January 17, 2024


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I recently attended a mastermind with some of the smartest people I know… Want to know what we talked about?! 

Come behind the scenes to hear everything we talked about that weekend–from webinar strategies to WHY we really want to make more money, and a MILLION things in between. 

I can’t wait to share with you some of the highlights of the weekend, and how the strategies and trends we discussed can help your business grow in 2024. Click play to learn from them just as I have!

1. Lead Generation

One of the main themes that emerged from our discussions was lead generation. We delved into different strategies for getting new leads and nurturing them to achieve better results. Lead generation is a critical aspect of any business, and it was inspiring to hear different perspectives and ideas on how to optimize this process.

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2. Payment-Saving Strategies

Another topic that generated a lot of discussion was payment-saving strategies. Many businesses have recurring payments, and it’s important to have systems in place to recover failed payments. We explored different approaches to recovering failed payments and how to use this process as an opportunity to connect with clients and provide them with a better experience.

3. Webinar Strategies

Webinars were also a hot topic during the mastermind. Despite the misconception that webinars are outdated, they are still a powerful tool for driving conversions. We discussed the difference between paid and free webinars and how a paid webinar can lead to higher engagement and better results. We also explored different ways to keep webinars engaging and interactive, such as incorporating videos, slides, and live elements.

4. Content Creation

Content creation was another pain point that many participants shared. As content creators, we often feel overwhelmed and uninspired by the constant need to create new content. We discussed ways to simplify content creation processes and make it more enjoyable. One key insight was to create space for spontaneity and personal connection in our content calendars, allowing us to share more authentic and engaging content with our audience.

5. ManyChat Automation

One of the most exciting topics we explored was the use of chat funnels and many chat automation. This strategy has been a game-changer for many businesses, including my own. Chat funnels allow us to engage with our audience directly on platforms like Instagram, eliminating the need for users to click off and navigate to external links. This strategy has significantly increased conversions and engagement for many of us.

DM me “CHAT” on Instagram to see how it works for yourself!

6. Customer Experience

Customer experience was also a major focus of our discussions. We explored ways to simplify processes, anticipate customer needs, and provide a seamless and enjoyable experience. By prioritizing customer experience, we can retain existing customers and foster long-term relationships.

7. Sharing Numbers

Another important aspect we discussed was alignment. As entrepreneurs, it’s crucial to stay aligned with our values, mission, and goals. We explored how to recognize when we’re no longer in alignment and how to make necessary changes, even if it means letting go of successful ventures. This discussion emphasized the importance of intuition and personal growth in business.

8. Giving Back

Giving back was a topic that resonated with everyone in the room. We discussed different ways to incorporate giving into our businesses, whether through charitable donations, supporting causes, or involving our teams in the decision-making process. Giving back not only benefits the causes we care about but also creates a value system that attracts good people and fosters positive change.

Final Thoughts

“Belief pairs well with a glass of behavior.” 

I wrote those words right in the middle of my book, How Are You, Really?, because it’s right around when we start to talk about how the questions we’ve been asking need to turn into action. 

Here’s the rest for you to ponder:

“Set aside the patterns of the life you have, and focus on the patterns of the life you want… By living as if you’ve already established these habits – these small rhythms and daily choices – you’re moving that far-off goal into a real-life action today. You’re pulling the dream close to yourself, instead of pushing yourself closer to the dream. Can you see how different that feels?”

You just had a front row seat at the table of business leaders and got to hear what they are talking about–now what are you going to DO with this information?

There are probably versions of you that you cannot WAIT to become. You’re excited about the next level of you, and the one after that. You imagine yourself 10 years from now, living so comfortably in that space because you built it, you own it. 

What if you pulled out a behavior of that version of you and started living it out… right now? What if you took just ONE step toward implementing ONE tip you learned from this episode… today?

I can give you all the strategies in the world, but the most important part is what YOU do with it. So take action, and keep on digging your biggest goals, Goal Digger… I’m cheering you on every step of the way.

Thank you to our Goal Digger Sponsors

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Before you get any further... Hi! I'm Jenna Kutcher!

I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to make a living doing what they love (without it taking over their life).  One of my favorite places to be is here, sharing what I'm learning with you. I'm glad you're here!



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