The BEST Way to Regram on Instagram

December 19, 2016


Regram, regram, we’ve all heard the word but maybe we’ve never really sat down to talk about how to actually do it right (and in the best way that will support YOU and others, because at the end of the day, that’s a pretty awesome thing!) There are so many tips, tricks, and strategies at play each and every day of the week and with the social media world changing and transforming at the speed of light, it’s important to make sure we’ve really got down the core essentials, right? So first things first – mostly for my mom who’s reading this…

What is a regram?

A “regram” simply refers to when you post an image that someone else has shared on Instagram. You are “regram-ing” content that has already hit the ‘gram. A lot of times things like quotes, giveaway images, or photos featuring multiple sources are regrammed. Just think of it similar to a Facebook share, where you share something that was posted elsewhere onto your feed so that your fans and followers could see the content as well.

Does regramming help or hurt you?

I actually recorded an entire module about this subject inside of my Instagram course, The Instagram Lab. Why? Because I think a regram can both help and hurt you, it just depends on your type of business AND how you’re doing it. One of my biggest mantras when it comes to social media is this: create or credit. If you have the ability to go out and create images and photos for your own feed, then do that BUT if you’re not able to or if you’d rather spread the love to other artists, then definitely regram! Why? Because it gives you the kind of content you want in your feed AND it gives you an opportunity to foster relationships with people who are doing work that inspires you! As a photographer and artist, I don’t ever regram because I am able to shoot my own images and create my own artwork BUT I realize I’m a unicorn out there in the Instagram world, so regramming can totally be a means of growing your following, but only if you do it right.

The best way to regram an Image:

  • If you can first ask for permission to repost the image, that is an incredible place to start. Just comment on the original creators post and ask if you could share their image!
  • Screenshot the image onto your phone! I am not a fan of the regram apps because it will pull the caption AND include the photo of the original poster (who may not have even created the work, just shared it.)
  • Do not edit the image (not even a little bit!) You are not the artist here: no filters, don’t remove watermarks, don’t add any text. Respect the creator enough to leave their work as they originally created it!
  • Credit the original creator in the actual caption! *You heard me right, simply tagging someone in the photo is not enough. Why? Because if someone regrams from your page, that tag doesn’t carry over. Shout out credit in the caption, don’t bury it in the comments. If you like someones work enough to share it on your feed, like the creator enough to credit them!
  • If you can’t figure out who the original creator of something was, I would advise against sharing their work. While it seems silly, the artists do own copyright and if they find that you’ve shared their work without permission and sans credit, it could hinder your future relationships and/or turn into an internet mess for you.

So what do I really think about regramming?

I absolutely love it when my work is shared on other people’s feeds! To see more people enjoy it is something that just fires me up to keep on creating. While I get taggged in about 30 photos a day of people sharing my work, it also stings when I see that they’ve altered it, removed the watermark, or left out credit in the caption. I’ve had celebrities with millions upon millions of followers post my work without credit because “they found it on Pinterest!” While our internet world these days makes it feel a lot easier to share work and find work that we like, it’s also important to remember that if you didn’t create it, you should be crediting.

What to do if someone regrams you without credit?

So what should you do if this happens to you? Kindly message the person or comment on the caption with something kind like, “Hi there, I see that you’ve shared my work! How awesome! I noticed that the watermark has been removed, would you please be so kind to credit me in the actual caption so that if it gets shared again, people will know where it came from?” It might sound silly, but if you let it slip and then it goes viral without credit or any mention of you, it could lead to a huge profit loss (take it from a girl with a printshop) and missed opportunities for a new audience. This also can apply for photographers who’s work gets shared without credit of who took the image and it can apply to vendors who’s work is featured in the photograph without mention of their creation behind it! When in doubt, over credit the work! It builds relationships, supports your community and industry, and shares love with the other people you’ve worked with!

At the end of the day, regramming…

Is a fun way to curate your feed in a way that stays on brand, regardless of if you can shoot the kind of images you like or create the quotes that you love on your feed! Whenever you share other work, take it as an opportunity to lift up another creative and support them well! Heck, your feed is holding their work (a museum wouldn’t hang up a painting but then forget to mention who created it, right?) so celebrate along side of them and start building a relationship that could lead to something awesome down the road! Now that you know the best practices around regramming an image, you’ll be on your way to beautifying your feed in a new way and creating a community that supports each other! Pretty awesome stuff!

Need quotes for your feed?

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  1. […] you’re concerned by a regram, contact the Instagrammer or write a polite comment on the post, Jenna Kutcher provides a good example comment: “Hi there, I see that you’ve shared my work! How awesome! I […]

  2. […] da un regram, contattate l’utente di Instagram o scrivete un commento educato sul post, Jenna Kutcher fornisce un buon esempio di commento: “Ciao, ho visto che hai condiviso il mio lavoro! Che […]

  3. […] da un regram, contattate l’utente di Instagram o scrivete un commento educato sul post, Jenna Kutcher fornisce un buon esempio di commento: “Ciao, ho visto che hai condiviso il mio lavoro! Che […]

  4. […] par un programme, contactez l’Instagrameur ou écrivez un commentaire poli sur la publication, Jenna Kucher fournit un bon exemple de commentaire : « Bonjour, je vois que vous avez partagé mon travail ! […]



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I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to make a living doing what they love (without it taking over their life).  One of my favorite places to be is here, sharing what I'm learning with you. I'm glad you're here!



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