A Spark of Coco Joy

July 10, 2020


It’s wild to think that it’s been over 100 days since quarantine began. I still remember the day our weekend plans to spend time up north turned into a month, then two, now three of spending time at the lake and figuring out our new normal and family flow. While there is no denying that these past few months have had their challenges, it’s also obvious that there is joy to be found in every season, and for me, that joy comes from these moments with my girl.

I’ve shared it before, but from the day I found out I was pregnant, I started writing letters to Coco. My document titled “Letters to my Little Bean” that lives on the cloud is now 40+ pages long and growing as I continue to write (albeit more sporadically) these days to her. Motherhood has taught me how fleeting time is, how fast it goes, and how in those moments where you swear you’ll remember it, those memories fade unless you intentionally preserve them in words and photos.

I’ll probably laugh because I feel like I keep on saying this, but this is undeniably my favorite age so far! To get to watch her learn and grow and experiment and explore, it’s just like having a new lens to enjoy the world from.

One challenge I’ve tasked myself with is in grabbing my camera more to document the regular moments of day-to-day life. The sand piles, the spider discoveries, the bed head, and bike adventures. These are the most cherished moments and they deserve to be preserved. So while nothing is curated or posed, staged or planned, these are the moments that bring me the most joy, help me to slow down, and the ones that I find myself saying, “At least this moment can be remembered” as I press the shutter button.

When life feels overwhelming, I try to focus on what’s in my hands.

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