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If there’s one lesson I’ve learned in both work and life, it’s this: you HAVE to protect your peace. Your energy, your focus, and your happiness all depend on it. But here’s the thing—protecting your peace doesn’t just happen on its own.
It requires intentionality, courage, and the willingness to set boundaries that honor your time, values, and priorities.
But let’s be real, boundaries aren’t always easy to define or enforce, especially when you’re juggling a business, relationships, and personal goals.
That’s why in this episode, I’m sharing the boundaries that have helped me show up better—at work, for my family, and most importantly, for myself. These boundaries are tried and true – really, nothing has changed since this episode originally aired in 2022!
Whether you’re feeling overwhelmed or just need a reminder to prioritize your well-being, this conversation is your permission slip to say “no” more often and “yes” to the things that truly matter.
The Importance of Boundaries
Before we get into the specifics, let’s talk about why boundaries matter. According to behavioral neuroscience researcher Joaquin Selva, failing to set healthy boundaries can lead to stress, financial burdens, wasted time, and relationship issues, all of which can result in mental distress like resentment.
Essentially, a lack of boundaries can negatively impact every aspect of your life.
I’ve been the person who takes on too much—projects, clients, partnerships—because I wanted to grow. But I learned the hard way that this pursuit often led to burnout. I had to learn to say no, even to things I was genuinely interested in, to protect what truly mattered in my life.
1. No Cell Phone Notifications While I Work
One of the first boundaries I set was to turn off all cell phone notifications while I work. My phone is often in Do Not Disturb mode for about 20 hours a day. This helps me stay focused and prevents me from being pulled into a reactionary mode when I receive a text or email. I even have a rule with my team: we don’t text each other unless we ask for permission. This boundary allows me to switch between mom mode and work mode without feeling overwhelmed.
2. No Phones in the Bedroom
Drew and I made a pact to keep our phones out of the bedroom. This has been a game-changer for our relationship. Instead of scrolling through our devices at the end of the day, we connect with each other. We charge our devices in a designated spot away from our bedside, which has helped us create a more intimate and focused space for our relationship.
3. Use My Apple Watch with Kids
When I’m with my kids, I prefer to leave my phone in another room and use my Apple Watch instead. This way, I can still see important messages without being tempted to scroll through my phone. It allows me to stay present with my children while still being aware of any urgent matters that may arise.
4. Create a Calm Workspace
I’ve found that playing meditation or spa music while I work helps keep my workspace calm and chaos-free. This micro-boundary allows me to breathe deeper and focus better, even when I’m under pressure. It’s amazing how something as simple as music can create a more peaceful work environment.
5. No Pressure to Respond Immediately
I’ve learned to let go of the pressure to respond to messages immediately. I recently discovered I had over 200 unread texts, and honestly, I didn’t even notice! I’ve set boundaries around my communication, allowing myself to respond thoughtfully rather than reactively. I also use an autoresponder for emails to set expectations for when people can expect a reply.
6. Lead with a No
One of the most powerful shifts I’ve made is to lead with a no and then be convinced to say yes. Early in my career, I felt the need to say yes to every opportunity. Now, I start with a no and only say yes if I’m convinced it aligns with my values and priorities. This shift has helped me protect my time and energy.
7. No Work on Weekends
I’ve committed to not working on weekends, and it’s been incredibly rewarding. This time is reserved for family, and I’ve found that I can be more productive during the week when I know I have dedicated time to recharge. My team even transitioned to a four-day workweek to further protect my time — check out my podcast episode all about that!
8. Be Mindful of What I Consume
I pay close attention to what I consume—whether it’s media, conversations, or even the people I surround myself with. If I start feeling negative or stressed, I take inventory of my environment. Setting boundaries around what I allow into my life has a significant impact on my mood and overall well-being.
9. Plan in Advance and Communicate
Planning in advance has been a game-changer for me. I used to be spontaneous, but now I’ve learned to set a schedule and communicate it with those involved. This helps me manage my time better and ensures that I have the support I need.
10. Make My To-Do List Before the End of the Day
I learned from Marie Forleo that making my to-do list before the end of the day is crucial. I set a reminder to create my list around 2 PM, which allows me to be realistic about what I can accomplish the next day. This practice helps me decompress and switch into mom mode more easily.
11. Be Intentional in Conversations with Drew
I’ve made it a point to have focused conversations with Drew about my work. After a busy day, we take a few minutes to catch up on each other’s lives. This quick recap helps us stay connected and ensures that he’s in the loop without overwhelming him with details.
12. Protect My Phone Number
Finally, I’ve learned to protect my phone number and the lines of communication I open. If someone asks for my number for work-related matters, I redirect them to my email. This helps me keep my phone interactions minimal and allows me to respond in a more thoughtful manner.
Final Thoughts
Setting boundaries has transformed my life in ways I never imagined. They protect me from constant motion and distraction, allowing me to listen to my intuition and prioritize what truly matters. I’ve learned that boundaries don’t hold me back; they expand my life and open up opportunities for fulfillment and joy.
I hope that by sharing these 12 boundaries, you feel inspired to explore what boundaries you might need in your own life. Remember, small tweaks can lead to significant changes. Whether it’s moving your phone to another room or saying no by default, these little adjustments can save you time and energy in the long run.
As you consider implementing these boundaries, remember that it’s all about discovering what you need and creating a plan to follow through. You have the power to put up the bumpers in your life and steer yourself toward a more peaceful and fulfilling existence!