If you’ve eveeeer considered creating your own digital course, you’re my kind of people. Everyone knows I’m the biggest believer in sharing your knowledge with the masses and educating others in this efficient, strategic way.
But, if you’ve thought about launching your own course, odds are you’ve also had a hundred-and-one hesitations and objections and fears that quickly followed. Things like…
“I don’t know what I could actually teach on.”
“I don’t have the right qualifications.”
“I have no idea where to start with all the tech and back-end set-up.”
“I don’t know if anyone would even sign up for something I offered.”
“I’m not a salesperson… how am I supposed to sell my own course?”
“People will think I’m nuts for doing this.”
Anyone else feel bombarded by imposter syndrome and deep-rooted insecurities whenever a big, new goal enters the chat? Because same. I’ve come to accept this as a part of the process of dreaming big and achieving our own versions of success. Aka, it’s a good sign and totally normal (if you don’t let it hold you back).
The important thing is accepting these limiting thoughts for what they are: thoughts. Not facts. Not truth. They’re simply our nervous systems working to protect us from the perceived possibility of failure. However, that doesn’t mean you will actually fail!
A better way to build your digital course
In fact, when you have a solid roadmap and plan, you’re destined for success in the digital course creation world. That’s why I believe so deeply in my friend Amy Porterfield’s Digital Course Academy. She built this program to help normal people like you and me extract our knowledge, pull it together into a high-quality course, and share it to an audience that’s excited to sign up.
When I tell you Amy’s thought of EVERYTHING in the realm of preparing and selling a digital course, I mean everything. From how to come up with a brilliant idea for your course, build out your curriculum, and record your content, to mapping out a webinar, leveraging social media and email, and creating sales materials that convert — she literally holds your hand from beginning to end so you can feel confident and supported in your digital course creation journey.
The top digital course 3 hesitations + reviews from DCA students
But you’re human, so you may still have some hesitations. (I feel you, and I’m the same way!) That’s why I wanted to share the TOP THREE hang-ups people have around creating their own digital courses.
You might feel one or two (or all three) of these on a deep, deep level, but I hope you also see that with the right support in place, you can overcome these fears and push forward toward success. In fact, I’m also going to share reviews from three real DCA students that had the same exact hesitations, and how Amy’s program helped them move past them in order to masterfully create and sell their very own digital courses.
Here we go!
Digital Course Hesitation #1:
“I don’t have a proven path to follow that I can trust to get results.”
Whew, anyone else feel like there’s a WHOLE lot of advice out there online about course creation, but much of it is conflicting, confusing, or too complicated? When we’re starting a new venture into an unknown territory, we need a roadmap. We need someone to tell us: “First do A, then do B, and finally, do C.” And we want to see that other people have gotten results from this very roadmap.
That’s what’s so incredible about DCA. It covers EVERYTHING you need to know, and has helped hundreds of past students waltz their way through course creation. Is it an easy, overnight thing? Heck no. This is a project that will probably take you several weeks, maybe even a couple of months, to bring into the world. But you won’t be figuring it out alone and piecing together random bits of advice you find online. You’ll have a proven plan that has worked for countless others time and time again. And that’s priceless.
Past student Dr. Adia Gooden said: “DCA taught me the strategies I needed to create a profitable online course, and I made $26,048 on my VERY first launch!”
Digital Course Hesitation #2:
“I don’t know how to sell the course I create… and don’t want people to judge me.”
Ahhh, the ever-present sales boogeyman strikes again. You know, that one that tells you, “You don’t know how to sell anything! You’re just a [insert your profession here]. People will think you’re crazy for trying to bundle up what you know into a course and then sell it to them.” Here’s the thing: DON’T LISTEN TO THAT VOICE. It’s not telling the truth, and you very likely know it.
When you sell with integrity, it never feels “salesy” or slimy. It feels like you’re sharing something invaluable with people you love… and Amy teaches you how to do that inside DCA. From sharing the process of creating your course with your audience to drafting a powerful sales page, communicating your offer with your email list and social followers, and sharing your program in a way that feels good to your soul — DCA is all about value-driven sales strategy that won’t make you feel like a pushy car salesman.
Check out how Margherita Berti crushed her sales goal with DCA’s strategies: “I launched in January with my goal of getting 30 new students to sign up, BUT I reached that goal with just the presale! By the end of my first launch, I had 136 new students and made over $45,000!”
RELATED: A Virtual Look Inside of Amy Porterfield’s Digital Course Academy
Digital Course Hesitation #3:
“I’m stressed by all of the tech.”
Perhaps you can relate with how DCA alum, C. Lee Cawley felt when it came to tackling the daunting tech side of course creation: “I’m what I call a “digital dinosaur,” so I was super concerned about learning all the tech to have a successful course launch. I’m so glad I didn’t let that stop me! I made more than $16,000 on my first launch!”
Recording modules, finding a course platform, uploading content — oh my! Not to mention, building out a sales page, setting up a webinar, creating an email funnel, and then supporting your students throughout the course. *passes out*
You might be getting dizzy even thinking about all of the moving pieces and parts that go into launching a course. But that’s the thing — when you have someone telling you a proved method and plan for creating each and every last piece, you don’t have to worry about figuring it out on your own. You have the steps in front of you, and it’s just up to you to chip away at them piece by piece.
When you break down a big goal like this into small, actionable, incremental pieces, it’s so much more achievable and doable anyway! Trust me when I say that Amy’s course walks you through even the scariest of tech and simplifies it all, so you can sidestep your fear of back-end monsters and get to the good part.
Maybe your email list is among the tech that’s stressing you out; you’re not alone. Nicole Neives was right there with you and said: “I almost didn’t sign up for DCA because I didn’t have an email list. Boy, that would’ve been a mistake. I just had a $49K launch and quit my job to work on my business full time!!!”
(Check out more incredible stories of transformation HERE! Results are not guaranteed. Please see the earnings disclaimer for more details.)
I hope you can see just how achievable your goal of creating a digital course really is! With the right mentorship and strategy, you can create the digital course of your dreams that completely transforms your business and reaches all the right people.
Join DCA to banish your fears & launch your own digital course!
The world needs your knowledge, & this is the best way to get it out there. Enroll in DCA!