What is Showit and Why Should I use it?

December 28, 2023



If your website isn’t great, it’s costing you money. By the time someone lands on your site, they’ve already got, at the very least, a spark of curiosity about who you are and what you do. And it takes about 50 milliseconds (0.05 seconds) for users to form an opinion about your website, which strongly influences their interactions and action. (Source: Taylor & Francis) More importantly, 88% of online consumers are less likely to return to a site after a bad experience. (Source: Econsultancy) Yikes!

Now, a ‘bad’ experience can mean any number of things, so ask yourself this: does your current website (the design, the copy, the layout) reflect who you are and what your business is right now? Is it outdated?

My own website has gone through dozens upon dozens of different versions through the years. My business naturally evolves, which means my website needs to, too.

You need to be able to keep your website fresh, easily update it yourself, and whip up a quick sales page whenever you want without having to keep a web designer in your back pocket. Every little update doesn’t have to mean a full website overhaul. Sometimes it’s small updates that keep the brand vibe and user experience up to par. That’s why I love having a Showit site! (Use the code ‘Jenna’ at checkout to snag your first month free!)

So, what is Showit?

Showit is a versatile website building platform that empowers creatives and small businesses to design and customize their websites with ease. It offers a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface, allowing you to create visually stunning and responsive websites without any coding expertise.

The best part? You don’t have to have any background in web design to be able to create a Showit site that feels exactly the way you want it to. Showit is my go-to choice for creatives of all kind seeking a highly customizable and visually captivating online presence. I am literally inside of Showit on a daily basis building out new pages, tweaking existing ones. Gone are the days where you have to wait weeks to update that one line on your site, now you can do it all by yourself and easily. 

How does Showit work with WordPress?

Whenever I share about Showit, one of the main questions I get asked is: how does Showit work with WordPress? The best news is that Showit, the website platform, integrates seamlessly with WordPress, which means you get the power of a WordPress blog with the ability to easily design and customize your site with Showit!

Showit complements WordPress by handling the design and layout, offering a super easy to use drag-and-drop editor for creative, customizable pages. So, it turns your WordPress site (already superpower) into one that you have so much more design-control over!

I love that Showit pages don’t just feel like some template you pieces together, too. Sometimes I whip up a quick landing page in just 10 minutes (or less) and I’m still always shocked at how an effortless process could yield such professional results.

Showit actually hosts your website, including visually designed elements, and ensures mobile responsiveness. Meanwhile, WordPress manages content, blogging, and SEO, creating a seamless and powerful punch of a combination.

My Web Designer Introduced Me to Showit

When I started my business over a decade ago, I didn’t even have a website. I had a blog. No opt-in forms, no “Contact Me” page… just a simple, straightforward! But I did have a concept of branding and what I wanted that best-case-scenario version of my website to look like. So, I stumbled through the DIY way and gave my blog a redesign and then realized my website was more “fit in” than “stand out”. I needed an overall and a website that truly FELT like me.

Enter Jen Olmstead from Tonic Site Shop and her beautiful, Showit site templates. I was drooling, and I knew I wanted to work with her to help me realize that dream website concept! What I didn’t know yet was that she was going to give me a beautiful site that I could easily, effortlessly customize until my heart’s (and brand’s!) content!

With a Tonic Site template (which are breathtaking, btw) and a Showit site, the unique vision of my brand could shine through and when those sudden bursts of inspiration popped up, I could edit my site and churn out a new landing page without breaking a sweat.

3 Reasons I Still Use a Showit Site

01. Visual Creativity and Customization: Showit’s drag-and-drop editor allows for highly customizable and visually striking website design. Their extensive customization options, allows you to create a unique and tailored online presence which I absolutely LOVE. I NEEDED to be able to edit my website quickly and easily without the helping hand of a designer or developer and Showit absolutely delivered.

02. Website Optimization: Sure, you can have a beautiful website, but if it isn’t converting users to leads or clients, what’s the point? Showit offers tools for SEO optimization, and integrating with WordPress allows for further SEO enhancements through plugins and tools. They also ensure that your website is fully responsive, enhancing the user experience across various devices! This is a big deal as over 50% of my traffic comes from mobile and so having the ability to optimize across devices is super important. You know that feeling of pulling up a website on your phone and it doesn’t work quite right? Yep, Showit makes sure you avoid that!

03. Reliability and Support: Showit provides fast and reliable hosting services, ensuring your site performs well. Showit also offers incredible support when migrating and getting set up to assisting with any questions, and trouble-shooting when/if the tech gets tricky! Plus, they have an active community, providing resources and assistance for users so you never feel alone when up-leveling your website.

Customize Your Showit Site with Ease

Whenever I’m getting that itch for a website overhaul (i.e. changing a whole lot more than the layout of a few pages or freshening up a photo or paragraph), I know a Tonic Site Shop website template is just what I need.

Website templates already make it so much easier for you and I as creative business owners to bring our visions to life without having to be tech pros. But not all templates are cut out to get us that fresh look that we’re seeking. Sometimes templates can be a little stuck in the past, which is the opposite of where we want to take our website and brand. Finding a website template designed by brilliant, beyond-the-trend designers is key, and that’s why I love Tonic Site Shop!

Get Started with Your Own Tonic Showit Site

This is THEEE secret weapon, I’m telling you. If you want to have a gorgeous but you can’t afford getting a custom site built, this is the solution you’ve been looking for. TONIC has dozens of designer, cocktail-inspired (hence the brand name, Tonic!) Showit website templates that will work for any style, niche, industry, level of business, or services you offer. (Browse the full library at Tonic here!)

Believe me, I know what it’s like to browse Tonic’s website templates — it can be hard to pick a favorite when you like so many of them. What a refreshing problem to have, right? Pick the layout that speaks to you most and go with it, because you’re going to see just how easy it is to put your own spin on it. Add your brand elements, drop in your copy and images, drag and drop until your heart’s content. Now you’re ready to launch your brand’s new internet home.

Not sure where to start? 

If you’re not 100% sure about picking out the best Tonic Showit Site template all on your own, you can take their 90-sec brand quiz and get paired with the perfect website template in a flash. The pros at Tonic built this quiz so that you don’t get stuck at any part of your new web designing process!

Once you’ve picked out your new site, use the code ‘JENNASENTME’ for 15% off (that’s like an extra $200 back in your pocket!) Save money now, but think about all that time and money you’re saving in the future as you get to refresh and evolve your website whenever you want to! You’re going to be the kind of person talking about a Showit site as much as I do (which is a lot.)

The internet is always changing. Design trends shift. The way we present our offers has to evolve. And our websites need to keep up! It can be exhausting… but it doesn’t have to be. Give yourself a the no-stress way to make sure your site can grow right along with you with an easily customizable Tonic Showit Site template, and you won’t have to keep your brand trapped in the past with an outdated site ever again!

Your Website Called. It Wants a New Look and I’ve Got the Answer! 👇

Click here and use the code JENNASENTME to save 15%

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Before you get any further... Hi! I'm Jenna Kutcher!

I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to make a living doing what they love (without it taking over their life).  One of my favorite places to be is here, sharing what I'm learning with you. I'm glad you're here!



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