Is A Membership Your Next Biz Move?

April 1, 2024


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Membership sites. Maybe you’ve been intrigued by this business model, promising recurring revenue and a constant influx of customers… or maybe you’ve always thought that your expertise wouldn’t translate well as a subscription.

If this sounds like it could be your next business move, save your seat for Stu’s free class HERE:

Since 2008, Stu McLaren has been working intimately with tens of thousands of authors, speakers, coaches, consultants and business owners to transform what they know, love and do into recurring revenue by launching, growing and scaling 6, 7 and 8-figure membership businesses.

Through it all, Stu has discovered the subtle nuances that make a BIG difference in the success of the sites that thrive year over year versus those that struggle and stall… and I can’t wait for you to hear his unique perspective in this conversation.

Whether you’ve always considered starting a membership site but you didn’t know where to start, or you have no idea what it is or why you should create one, Stu is about to answer all of our burning questions about this business model.

And yes, I do mean OUR questions… in our conversation, I share why a membership isn’t something I currently offer, and Stu even coaches me to get over my biggest fears around it!

The 4 Membership Types

Memberships come in various types, each catering to different businesses and industries. The four main types of memberships are product-based, service-based, knowledge-based, and community-based.

Product-based memberships involve offering a recurring delivery of a physical product to customers. This type of membership is exemplified by companies like Dollar Shave Club, which revolutionized the way razors were purchased by offering a subscription-based service. Other examples include beauty boxes, clothing subscriptions, and food delivery services.

Service-based memberships involve offering a recurring service to customers, often at a discounted rate for members. This type of membership is popular among service providers such as masseuses, personal trainers, and consultants. By offering a membership option, service providers can secure a steady stream of income and build a loyal customer base.

Knowledge-based memberships involve offering access to expertise, training, or educational resources on a recurring basis. This type of membership is popular among experts, coaches, authors, and educators who want to share their knowledge with a community of like-minded individuals. Examples include online courses, webinars, and coaching programs.

Community-based memberships involve creating a safe space for like-minded individuals to connect and engage with each other. This type of membership is ideal for niche interests or hobbies that may not have a strong offline community. By offering a membership that provides access to a community of peers, individuals can find support, inspiration, and camaraderie.

Consistency Is Key

Consistent content creation is key to the success of any business, especially when it comes to serving an audience through memberships. In our conversation, Stu emphasizes the importance of creating a system and process that allows for consistent production of content, whether it be for a podcast, social media, or a membership platform.

By creating content in advance, you can build anticipation and excitement for their audience, much like a cliffhanger in a Netflix series. This not only keeps members engaged, but also helps with retention within your subscription.

Consistent marketing is also the key to success for any membership. Whether it’s through email marketing, social media, or other channels, staying top of mind with your audience is crucial for retention and growth.

Whether it’s with marketing or content creation, consistency helps to build trust with your audience. By consistently showing up and delivering on your promises, you build credibility and establish yourself as a reliable source of information or products. 

Focus on Clarity, Connection, and Results

One of my favorite parts of my conversation with Stu was when he highlighted the importance of providing members with a clear understanding of the content and resources available to them. 

How many times do we create a product or service but we aren’t clear as day on how we will help them achieve their goals?! 

Stu also stressed the importance of helping members connect with one another to create meaningful relationships within the membership community. By facilitating connections and fostering a sense of belonging, we can create a supportive and engaging environment that encourages members to stay and actively participate in the community.

This can be achieved through discussion forums, member directories, and other tools that help members find and connect with like-minded individuals.

Finally, Stu emphasized the importance of helping members achieve results and celebrate their progress, no matter how small. By focusing on both big wins and small victories, businesses can keep members motivated and engaged in their membership journey. 

Launch with Founding Members First

Launching with founding members first is a powerful strategy for starting a new venture, whether it be a business, a membership program, or any other type of community. As Stu pointed out, having an audience of 200 people or more is all that is needed to launch successfully!

This approach allows us to test the waters, gather feedback, and build momentum before fully committing to a larger-scale launch.

Stu’s 5-step founding member launch process is:

  1. Communicating the idea
  2. Casting the vision
  3. Extending an invitation
  4. Providing a call to action, and
  5. Following up

This approach not only helps validate the concept and gather valuable feedback but also creates a sense of exclusivity and urgency that can drive interest and participation.

Are you ready to launch your membership to YOUR founding members?! Learn all the details in Stu’s free class, The Membership Blueprint! In it, you will discover the step-by-step strategies to turn your knowledge and expertise into a recurring revenue membership that lands stable, predictable money in your bank account every single month.

Head to to save your seat for Stu’s free class NOW!

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Before you get any further... Hi! I'm Jenna Kutcher!

I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to make a living doing what they love (without it taking over their life).  One of my favorite places to be is here, sharing what I'm learning with you. I'm glad you're here!



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