My 2019 Clothing Solution: Rent The Runway

January 27, 2019


Rent the Runway - my 2019 wardrobe solution

Did you know that women regularly wear only 20% of the clothes that they own? As someone who has a very full closet but often times feels like she has nothing to wear, I knew I needed to change, my solution? Rent The Runway’s Unlimited Membership! As I started to map out some goals, hopes, and dreams for 2019, I was drawn to touch on something that never lived on my vision board before: a plan for my wardrobe. Before you roll your eyes at me or wonder where this post is going, I’ve been thinking a ton about the amount of clothes I own, most of which never get worn (because my mom uniform has been strictly leggings and baggy sweaters, usually paired with a nice dose of spit up!)

I should probably thank Marie Kondo for her Netflix series, “Tidying Up” because as we watched it, I knew that I wanted to be more mindful of inviting clothes in that really spark joy and to focus on things I truly loved instead of having a closet full of things that were just mediocre. (I’m pretty sure Drew is over here doing the praise hands as he reads this!)

One of the challenges I was up against was my ever-changing body. As I packed up my maternity clothes (except for a few of my favorite leggings with the high waist) and looked at my pre-pregnancy jeans that still don’t quite fit, I was tempted to go out and buy a whole new wardrobe in my current size. But then I found a way better solution: Rent the Runway’s Unlimited Membership… yes, yes, this was the answer to my 4th trimester wardrobe dreams a my desire to cut back on excess clothing. I’m pretty sure the angels started singing at this point.

I fell in love with Rent the Runway years ago when I needed a dress for an event and knew that I’d likely only wear it once (because once it’s been on Instagram, we treat our clothes like they are dead to us and that’s just straight up sad) and then loved RTR even more when I listened to the lady founders on “How I Built This” podcast — their story was so inspiring! The Unlimited Membership means that you can rent four different pieces for as long as you’d like, you have free returns and dry cleaning, and you can pause or cancel at any point. I’m only wondering why I didn’t use this when I was pregnant, um, hello, affordable maternity styles (officially kicking myself!)

Reasons why the Unlimited Membership rocks: 

  • I don’t have to buy a new wardrobe in my current size while my body transitions post-baby! They even have recommendations for both my size and my body shape!
  • I can rock designer labels without the price tag. As a girl who isn’t too big on labels but loves fashion, it’s so fun to get to try items I might not want to fully commit to without the pressure!
  • I get to trade out items, so that I always have new pieces revolving into my life (and my feed!) I mean, it sounds silly but it’s so cool to have new outfits that I can rent, enjoy, and return.
  • They have a maternity edit so if you’re expecting, you have a place where you can rent a few pieces that will work with your bump without having to invest into stylish maternity clothes.
  • I can be more mindful about clothing. I want to really bring intentionality into my purchasing decisions and so renting is an awesome way to try before I buy anything.

I am loving this solution and enjoying not only picking pieces to help me navigate this new season of motherhood but also plan ahead for things like events, photo shoots, and vacations! It’s so fun to click through the items and “favorite” them so that I have something to look forward to once I’m ready to part with my current four items. If “tidying up” and being more mindful about fashion are on your radar for 2019, I’d challenge you to take a peek at Rent the Runway’s membership and see if it’s a fit for you.

Want to give it a try?

Use code: RTRJENNA and new members will receive $100 off their first two months of RTR Unlimited


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  1. Toha says:

    I LOVE RTR! I use it for big events like NYE parties or trips to Vegas. Love the idea of using it as you transition post baby.

  2. […] on your radar for 2019, I’d challenge you to take the pledge to buy less too. This piece was originally published on The JK […]



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