I’ve been so incredibly lucky to have made some amazing connections over the interwebs. Instagram has been connecting me with crazy talented creatives who are all about teaming up to make something beautiful. When Laura Hooper Calligraphy and I started chit chatting via email, we knew we wanted to team up to offer something a little different. She is a master calligraphy artist and I am continually amazed by her work and how she applies it to so many mediums! I sent her over a few different watercolor floral designs and to work she went. The outcome? Gorgeous new prints and products that have the perfect mix of watercolor floral and beautiful inked words.
Who doesn’t need a little remind that we should probably just slow down a bit – let’s be honest, you don’t have to figure everything out at once. I am so excited to release the other pieces we have collaborated on in the upcoming weeks and hope you love them as much as I do. As an added bonus, there is FREE SHIPPING through Sunday! Head to the print shop to see a few new updates with more to come, can’t wait to share a few of the projects I’ve been working on behind the scenes. A lot of painting, a lot of really beautiful things. If you want sneak peeks, hop onto Instagram where I share my work daily! Follow: @jennakutcher!
Head to: Print of the Week // Head to: The Print Shop