Pete + Lindsey – Chicago Sikh Wedding

April 22, 2015



Sometimes in life you will walk away from an experience with a lump in your throat and zero words to explain it. This, this was it. You might recognize these two from the Wisconsin wedding that was shared just one week ago. Truth is, I thought that I might never see Pete and Lindsey again. As luck would have it, my phone rang on Thursday evening at 7PM with a voicemail from Pete. I got these butterflies in my stomach as I called him back and when he asked if there was anyway I could be available on Saturday to photograph their traditional Sikh wedding near Chicago, I cleared my calendar and said “yes” without hesitation. The night before I sat in a hotel room in pjs with Lindsey and Andra, her bridesmaid. We sipped wine, ate sweets, and talked life like three old friends would do. We forced ourselves to get some sleep but we all know that we could have stayed up all night chatting.

Saturday started early with wedding prep and fun. I wish I could elaborate on the character of Lindsey and Pete. These two have an affinity for their families, they are selfless, gracious, and two of the most thankful human beings I know. They exemplify the idea of putting others first and truly would move mountains to be together. The opportunity to not only photograph another wedding for them but to spend one more day among their friends and family was a chance I wouldn’t lose! The best part? I was able to experience a culture and customs that have truly touched my heart and left me in awe. These words? Well, I’m struggling to string them together. My prayer is that the photos will do the talking. Pete and Lindsey have changed my life, they have impacted me, made me feel valued, and affirmed that I am in the right industry. Their families made me one of their own, I was truly a bridesmaid with a camera, and these moments give me goosebumps every time I imagine reliving them. What an exceptional honor, truly.



To see more from their day, hit play on their slideshow above! Leave these two some love, if they get 25 comments on this blog post, they will receive a complimentary 8×10″ print of their fave wedding day image! 

Pete + Lindsey – Chicago Traditional Sikh Wedding from Jenna Kutcher on Vimeo.

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  1. Katie Redo says:

    Each picture is absolutely stunning! The love is tangible!

  2. Allison Aiello says:

    WOW. Stunning wedding, couple, and photographs!!!

  3. Kelsey Jo says:

    This is amazing. Such a beautiful culture, and a stunning couple.

  4. Jennie Rintala says:

    When scrolling through Facebook and coming across a sneak peek photo. I could not wait for more! You do such an amazing job Jenna! This wedding looked beautiful!

  5. Dana Hanson says:

    Stunning! I love the restless little boy in the shots.

  6. Lauren Olson Engelsma says:

    the whole day looked beautiful, but the smiles won.

  7. Laura Williamson Gonzalez says:

    Gorgeous!! I love how it seems like a truly generational celebration!!

  8. Vanessa Rae Mayer says:

    Wow, these images are amazing.

  9. Julie Rankin says:

    This is just gorgeous!

  10. Maureen Gibson says:

    Congratulations, Pete and Lindsey! Wishing you a lifetime of love and happiness! Fabulous photos!

  11. Abby says:

    I love all the color and love jumping out of the photos! Great captures.

  12. Jennifer Duliere says:


  13. Samantha Garvey says:

    Wow! Truly beautiful in so many ways.

  14. Becca Patronas Lind says:

    I love all the colors! Such a beautiful couple and beautiful photos!

  15. Brian Kittinger says:

    Amazing photos, Jenna! Everything looks even more beautiful and colorful than I remember it from the actual day! Also, I don’t think you could speak truer words about Pete and Lindsey!

  16. Philippe Duliere says:

    Wonderful pictures

  17. Erika Crowther Mason says:

    Jenna you definitely have found your calling! Thank you for letting those of us to share in on the experience but through your wonderful photographs and the capturing of two beautiful people from two such beautiful cultures! I am happy Pete called and asked you to do the chicago wedding did such an awesome job at the Lake Lawn wedding! What a wonderful artist you are! Pete and Lindsey what a beautiful second wedding! You both are so stunning! I am so happy for you and wish you a life of love and happiness! The pictures depict it to the fullest.

  18. Megan says:

    So Beautiful!!!



Before you get any further... Hi! I'm Jenna Kutcher!

I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to make a living doing what they love (without it taking over their life).  One of my favorite places to be is here, sharing what I'm learning with you. I'm glad you're here!



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