Our (NEW) Business Plan

June 9, 2020


This world is changing and as we’re collectively and individually exploring uncharted territories in our own ways, I am personally revisiting my going-forward business plan. As someone who is a mother, wife, business owner, leader and teacher, I have had to take a step back from some of those roles to just be a human being as we navigate through this season. 

This has been a time filled with learning, unlearning, introspection, soul searching, and unpacking, each of those items uncomfortable but necessary in their own right.

I have always believed that the slower the growth, the deeper the roots and while many of us want to quickly spring to action, I’ve been intentionally slowing down and honoring the growing pains that accompany actual change.

Here at my company, we are not going back to “business as usual”. That is a conscious choice that I have made. We recognize that what was once usual is no longer enough. That while our efforts toward what we considered anti-racism and amplifying Black voices were in motion, they should be expanded upon with clear intent. And that there are other ways that we can allow the way that we do business to be an opportunity to help tip the scale and close the gap. 

Here is what you can expect from me as a leader as we move forward: 

1.) Listen. Read. Educate ourselves so that others don’t have to do it for us. As a team, we will be doing monthly training with an expert and I will personally continue the deeper work offline. 

2.) Make donations to charities furthering the agendas of BIPOC. In transparency (and not for praise but to express my financial commitment), I have donated tens of thousands of dollars to support causes leading the movement and we will integrate ways of giving back regularly into the brand and business model. This article has 115 suggestions on where you can donate to financially support Black lives and other people of color. 

3.) We have hired a Corporate Trainer + Emotional Intelligence Practitioner to challenge us and hold us accountable to move forward and create with a focus on empathy, inclusive engagement, and mindful communication. You can listen to her past interview on the Goal Digger Podcast if you’d like to get to know her! 

4.) Continue to highlight and amplify Black women on my podcast and make a donation on their behalf to a cause or organization that they will select. We will focus on using our platforms to share their words, work, and stories. 

I am not an expert in this arena but I do have the ability and platform to amplify those who are. I ask that you not look to me for your education on this subject because, in this regard, I am a student. I do, however, invite you to join me in learning. Going forward, I will tune my ears to listen to and amplify the voices of those marginalized in our communities.

Words are one thing, but actions are truly what speaks louder. I sincerely hope that our actions will speak to our commitment as we move forward with our new normal and that the work will show itself in the way that I show up as a leader, educator, brand, and a human being.

I have listened intently, thought deeply, and reflected about these choices because this is a complex and systemic issue that together we CAN change. I pray that we can pool our collective empathy and power to make that change.

With respect, 


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  1. Jackie K says:

    Thanks for posting, Jenna. I appreciate your thoughts and leadership. Hugs!

  2. Wow seeing #4 almost brought tears to my melanated eyes. Thank you for this. For someone with your influence to stop and make a conscious effort to do that means alot. I just wished I was doing bigger things to get featured on your podcast 🙂 I just bought the bundle give me a sec to catch up lol

  3. Dana says:

    While I certainly support you in amplifying causes that you believe in, will we still have content similar to what you provided before for business people (women specifically)? This is why I follow you and would just like to know if that is part of your plan moving forward?

  4. Jenna. This is a full-throated well thought out plan. I applaud you in hiring an expert to help coach you through this new business plan. Also it’s very key that you are sharing this plan with your audience in detail. I would love to do a podcast crossover with you. I’m an African American woman and host of Follow The Leader Podcast Show. Let me know if you are interested.

  5. Angie Jones says:

    Jenna, your amazing. Thank you for educating and leading us, to do better. I can’t imagine how difficult all of this must have been for you to navigate with such a major platform. I appreciate this so much and I can’t wait to hear from your amazing guests coming up! Your amazing!!!!

  6. Iva says:

    Thanks Jenna for being so open and receptive to growth. I love what is in your heart!

  7. Emily says:

    Awesome! Love these ideas.

  8. Elijah says:

    I’m really happy to read you addressing this. Keep going! I’ve been doing this work for a couple of years now and still do and say things I massively regret. It is lifelong–because I am a privileged white woman and I can’t always see the water I’m swimming in…soooooooo many blindspots! But I believe in this work with all my heart. It is humbling and completely what is needed–and what we are being called to.

  9. Kyle Goldie says:

    It’s good to hear that you are always looking to grow & push yourself forward, and bring on people who are experts in the community to help not just the community around us – but you as well. Looking forward to seeing the content you create and the messaging you have moving forward.

  10. Ashley says:

    Ah Jenna, you are so resilient and such a powerful woman for us to look up to! Thank you!



Before you get any further... Hi! I'm Jenna Kutcher!

I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to make a living doing what they love (without it taking over their life).  One of my favorite places to be is here, sharing what I'm learning with you. I'm glad you're here!



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