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This guest was super hard to book. Her schedule is super packed and she’s in high demand. She also rolled her eyes at me when I said this… Spoiler alert: The guest is the woman who birthed me, my mom, lovingly known as Mama Sue on my team.
My mom has been on the Goal Digger Podcast before, but it’s been years since I’ve had the opportunity to sit down for a recorded version of our one on one chats about life, family, and beyond. You sent in your questions for my mother and I’m so excited to dig into this conversation with her using questions I’ve never thought to ask her myself!
If you are curious about my mom’s parenting philosophies, bringing up compassionate and high achieving children, what it was like seeing her daughter (me!) becoming a mother, what she really thought about me quitting my job to go full-time entrepreneur, and my mom’s assessment of what I’m like behind the scenes, then hit play on this episode right now.
Compassionate Children
Jillgottenstrater asked my mom for her top 3 tips on bringing up compassionate children. My mom said:
“Kids are like sponges and they really model what they see and hear. So I think for raising compassionate children, to see me being compassionate to them and myself and others is probably my top tip. Another thing, thinking back to when they were younger, I’ve always been kind of an empath and looking at people that were maybe being left out. I remember even talking to my kids in grade school and saying, well, there’s this new person in school. What do you think it’d be like to be new? How can you be kind to them? Or if somebody was being bullied, I challenged them to champion for people that maybe were being the underdogs and I always had a heart for that.”
Raising High Achieving Entrepreneurial Kids
Zara_Sarfaraz asked: How did she raise three amazing high achiever children? What was her secret?
“I wanted you to be independent and be your own person. I wanted you to be the strongest person you can be, and that’s my job to raise you to be independent. I was always finding opportunities to tap into what you’re excited about at the time. I tried to make things happen in a way that you could explore your interests, so I think that gave you confidence and I always believed in all of you.
As far as inspiring the entrepreneurial spirit, my mom was always thinking of creative ways to get what we needed or wanted, even if she didn’t technically start her own business. She said, “You were in gymnastics, you kept climbing up to higher levels and financially the monthly cost was higher and we seriously couldn’t afford it. So I came up with a contract with the owner and just said, if I do this work in the gym, could we get tuition covered? And then every year I’d come up with a new contract. I just tried to be creative to make things happen almost like the barter system from long ago. “
More from This Episode
I don’t want to spoil all of the insight and advice my mom shares in the episode, so here is a sneak peek at the rest of the questions you asked my mom.
Krjohnson: What’s one thing you think all mama’s should instill in their daughters?
Jillgottenstrater: Top 3 tips on bringing up compassionate children?
Kellyjdodge: What she did to give you your body confidence during a time when that was not common.
ninakbeauty: What is something she saw her mom do that she carried into being a mom?
jacqualynnarianna: What was her experience like getting doula certified?
Host.collection: What was it like being a doula for your daughter?
Wana_ferrara: What has surprised her thee most while seeing her daughter become a mother?
alicia.marie.rose: Biggest differences between being a grandma and momma
mslindsayjwilliams: Was she secretly nervous when you quit your corporate job to do your own thing?
jackieofallthings: Tell us the real scoop, what’s Jenna like behind the scenes?
thestoryofoduncanhouse: what advice do you have for mom’s who want careers after observing Jenna do both?
acuypers__: Where do you find the good in everyday when our world can be such a dark place?
Press play to hear her answers and grab a cup of coffee as I hang out with one of my most favorite people on this planet, my mother.
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