No One Told Us THIS About Being a Working Mom

September 23, 2019



Motherhood changes your drive and focus, it alters the way you see things that were once priorities, it shifts your flow in life and business, it makes other people view you through a new lens, too.

Katrina Scott knows what it’s like to navigate motherhood as a business owner, lifestyle celebrity, and public figure. Katrina Scott is the co-founder of Tone It Up — If you’re into fitness and have ever been on the internet, you’ve undoubtedly heard of Tone It Up.

She’s a new mom just like me, and we’re both learning to navigate life and business with little babes on our hips. This episode is a mama to mama chat, about this new season we’re in, what it looks like for our businesses, and how we’re navigating the changes to our worlds.

Katrina’s Birth Story

Katrina has never shared her birth story before, and I feel so honored that she chose to share about the day her baby Bella was born on The Goal Digger Podcast.

Katrina was induced and knew that was part of her birth plan. Of course, people on social media had something to say about it (as they always do!) but she trusted her doctor that it was the right decision.

Contractions started about 90 minutes later and she labored until she felt she didn’t want to anymore, then requesting the epidural. Katrina said, “This isn’t scary, I hope you know when I’m talking about this I have a huge smile on my face!”

Her advice for anyone considering an epidural, “Don’t look at the needle! Just know it is the most amazing feeling after. I started crying I was so happy! I could be present in the process after that.”

Press play on Katrina’s interview via the player above to hear her full birth story. She has such a light, humorous reflection of that day, and she talks about many of the anxieties that you may be feeling if you’re worried about the labor and delivery experience.

Body Image and Motherhood

The Tone It Up brand is so intertwined with body image, with how Katrina shows up in the world and for her business, so I was curious what it felt like and looked like to start her pregnancy and give birth to her baby, all in the public eye.

“This may surprise some people, but I was discouraged from having children because I was told it would ruin my body and my career,” she started, “But it’s the complete opposite. It does wonders for your body and it does wonders for your appreciation of what your body is actually capable of.”

“I was way more proud of my body… than I had ever been at any point of my fitness journey. But it took a lot of self work for that to be possible.”

“The last thing I ever want anyone to worry about is getting back into jeans that they wore before they were superwoman…” I LOVE THIS. Katrina’s words for talking to and about your body with a kind voice, during, after (and even without) pregnancy, are so encouraging. Press play above for the full interview!

Good Mother or Good CEO

We’ve been told that we can be one thing or another. We can either be a great mom and a fully-present parent, or we can be a great leader and CEO for our business. We’ve been told we have to pick. For me, I’ve found that’s totally false… But it’s not easy to be both. Katrina felt she learned a valuable lesson after having her baby.

“I don’t know where I felt this pressure, but I went back to work too soon,” Katrina explained. “Looking back that was very harmful for me.”

Katrina’s advice for anyone who has their own business and is worrying about taking maternity leave and for staying away longer than what’s “accepted”, is to take whatever time you need, “If your company doesn’t understand, get out.”

Katrina explained that she was using her infant’s nap times as a chance to hustle and do work, and looking back, “How much work actually got done?” The idea of a fourth trimester was real for Katrina, and she can see now that you never get that time back.

“It’s not taking a step backwards postpartum, it’s pressing pause. Everything will still be there. You are taking care of the most beautiful thing at home and everything else will be more successful and welcome you back when you’re ready.”

What Nobody Told Us

“How did I not know that my heart would just be on the floor every day with this little being? I had no idea the love and expansion that I could feel, and what it does for you,” Katrina shared.

Knowing herself, she was prepared for postpartum depression, but Katrina shared that she experienced postpartum anxiety. She experiences catastrophic anxiety, something you can experience whether you’re a new mom or not. What it means is that she has a consuming fear and concern that everything she loves could be taken away from her.

Katrina shared the same fear that I did, that I would no longer have time to get allll the things done. But you do. You become more efficient. You say no to the things that don’t really matter anymore because there’s only one thing that matters THE most.

Motherhood also gave us both permission (and actually required us) to ask for help so we could continue to show up in the ways we want to show up.

The Big Picture

When you’re a mom and you’re a CEO, it’s hard to figure out where your time is most valuable and how to focus your efforts. Katrina shared that it’s important to be 100-percent present with whatever you’re doing at that moment. Practice being present in what you’re doing. And don’t forget that you’re the best mom ever and you already have what you need to continue being the best mom ever.

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  1. […] mom life. I really enjoyed this podcast episode with business influencer, Jenna Kutcher, and the co-founder of Tone It Up, Katrina Scott, about […]

  2. […] she often has incredible guests such as Barbara Corcoran from “The Shark Tank” and Katrina Scott, co-founder of Tone It […]



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