Wow, these last two weeks have been insane! I wish I had words, I’m pretty much out of them, but let me just tell you a little bit about the behind the scenes at the Kutcher Craftsman. After a year of jet setting and teaching all over the country on Instagram, I knew it was time to really build out my entire model (something that every speaking opportunity left me yearning for – there’s only so much goodness that you can cover in just an hour on stage.) I announced a free 7 day challenge having absolutely NO clue that over 20,000 people would sign up. That’s right, twenty thousand in one week… it’s mind boggling!
I also taught live webinars where I got to share “How to Gain Your Next 1,000 Followers” and we maxed out every single webinar (and my worst nightmare happened: we broke the software and I got booted from my own teaching… don’t worry, I got right back on and rocked it, it’s like riding a bike!) You have 24 hours left to watch the free training! Click here if you want to tune in! So why am I doing all of this teaching on Instagram? Because this little silly app has changed my life, my business, AND my bank account in big ways. Everyday my inbox would get hit with emails that left me wanting to point people in the right direction BUT also to retrain the way we think about social media as a whole. Instead of highlight reels, why not lead legacies? Instead of pushing for more followers, why don’t we focus on serving the people already following us? Instead of perfect, why not connect over our realness? So I set out on mission to create a course and The Instagram Lab was born. Shout out to my beautiful friend, Jen of Tonic Site Shop, for the gorgeous website (f’real, just click and look!)
It’s a five week, go-at-your-own-pace, online lifetime course. There are five main modules (and over 10 bonuses.) In the course I talk about owning your brand, crafting your story, choosing your images, growing your tribe, and fostering engagement. In the course, I also cover the most asked questions I get on Insta, like: should I have one account or two, should I regram, how do I use hashtags, what the heck do I post about, and how do I create captivating captions? I even got in front of the video and showed people how I style beautiful lay flat images in the comfort of my own home AND how I make my watercolor quotes and take them from paper to my computer in five minutes flat.
The course is only open until midnight on June 22nd and I am just SO proud of it. It’s like this proud mama feeling of finally announcing your baby to the world. So world, meet The Instagram Lab, one of the most beautiful things I’ve had the honor of sharing! To see more, to join the Lab, to sign up, or just to see what the hype is about, head over to:! – – –
Tune it to the Free Instagram Training // Join The Instagram Lab before the doors close!