Land Your Dream Job and Get Paid What You’re Worth

July 24, 2023


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Have you ever wondered if your resume, website, or media kit is accurately showcasing what you do best? It’s time for a resume glow-up… and today I have just the powerhouse guest to help us. She’s a trailblazer in the world of career consulting, known for her ability to help professionals snatch a seat at the table or break it altogether!

Jessica Williams is the Founder and CEO of JMW Career Consulting, a company that has already made a significant impact in 2023 by supporting over 15 professionals in retaining a staggering $2 million in salary increases, equity options, and work-from-home benefits. With her expertise and guidance, individuals have transformed their careers, shattered glass ceilings, and secured the opportunities they truly deserve.

In our conversation, Jessica is sharing her wealth of knowledge on the critical elements of resume, media kit, and website portfolio dos and don’ts.

Whether you’re looking for a job, showcasing your work online, or making your next hire, get ready to take notes, because Jessica’s strategies and advice will undoubtedly help take you to the next level.

Own Your Superpowers

One thing that really struck me right from the beginning of my conversation with Jessica was our discussion highlighting the tendency of professional women to downplay their abilities. 

Not only have we both seen it in our friends and peers, but we’ve seen it in ourselves, too. Sometimes Jessica and I both feel that we haven’t accomplished much in a month, quarter, or year, only to realize the significant impact we’ve made after writing down our achievements. 

Our conversation then shifted to the idea that what may seem normal or common sense to us can actually be a unique and valuable skill. Jessica encourages us to reflect on their daily actions and how they contribute to our success. Having accountability partners who can provide honest feedback and remind us of our strengths can help us gain confidence, too.

Everyone has their own set of unicorn abilities, and it is essential to acknowledge and embrace them (especially on our resume) if we want to land our dream job and get paid what we’re worth!

Jessica’s Top Resume “Dont’s”

As a career consultant, Jessica has seen a lot of people make mistakes while searching for jobs. Here are the 3 top 3 things she recommends you NOT do on your resume:

  1. Don’t Include Your Picture. Jessica emphasizes the importance of not putting your picture on a resume because it can create biases and judgments based on appearance, which should not be a factor in the hiring process. By excluding a picture, the focus can remain on your qualifications, skills, and experience, which are the most important factors when considering a candidate.
  2. Remove First-Person Language. Avoid using personal pronouns like “I,” “me,” or “my” on a resume. Instead, use action verbs and strong language to describe your accomplishments and experiences. This not only grabs the reader’s attention but also showcases confidence and assertiveness.
  3. Stop Including “Googleable” Info. Instead of simply listing job titles and responsibilities that someone could Google, it’s important to highlight the impact of your work rather than simply stating what was done. Use alternative language to avoid repetitive and mundane descriptions using websites like!

Jessica’s Top Resume “Do’s”

Now that we’ve covered the dont’s, here are Jessica’s top tips for putting together a resume that will make you stand out from the crowd:

  1. Focus on Recent Experiences. Employers are primarily interested in an individual’s most recent work and achievements, rather than what they did when they were much younger. Instead of delving into irrelevant details from the distant past, focus on the last 10 years (maximum) of your professional journey.
  2. Keep It Short. Jessica greatly emphasizes the importance of brevity when it comes to resumes. She says to stay away from creating a resume longer than two pages, because employers don’t have the time or patience to read through lengthy documents! It’s crucial to provide a concise and impactful summary of your qualifications and experiences, focusing on the most relevant and impressive aspects.
  3. Leave Some Intrigue. While it IS important to catch the attention of employers and make them curious about your achievements, it’s equally important to leave some questions unanswered. This can create a sense of intrigue and prompt employers to want to learn more, potentially leading to a phone call or an interview. By strategically crafting the language and content of the resume, you can create a sense of curiosity and interest among employers.

Jessica gave even more great tips during our conversation, including her thoughts on resume design and how to use LinkedIn in your job search! Click play on your favorite podcast app above to listen now.

And if you enjoyed this conversation like I did, be sure to follow Jessica on Instagram and check out her website. As I’m sure you can tell, she’s the BEST person to help you land your dream job and get paid what you’re worth!

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