How to Cultivate Confidence and BE SEEN

October 30, 2023


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Do you feel like you’re not living up to your full potential or making the impact you know you’re capable of? Do you feel like you lack the confidence to show the world who you really are and build the business you really want?

Whether you’re an ambitious entrepreneur, a visionary creative, or simply yearning for a life that aligns with your true identity, my guest today is about to give you the ultimate toolkit to equip you with the confidence and skills needed to boldly take action and leave your unforgettable mark on the world.

Jen Gottlieb is a powerhouse entrepreneur, international speaker, host of the I Dare You Podcast, and co- founder of Super Connector Media – an award-winning training, events, and online education company. In her debut book, BE SEEN, she delivers tactical, proven methods that have helped over 30,000 individuals redefine their brand, businesses, and lives to create more financial independence and impact the world with their message.

Tackling everything from how to finally see yourself, to building confidence, to harnessing the law of attraction, today’s conversation is your inspiring roadmap to stop hiding and start being seen for your magical uniqueness.  Utilizing real-life stories, mic-drop moments, and actionable steps, Jen wants to help you grow your customer base, take your first brand building steps, and turn your dream into reality.

What Does It Mean To “Be Seen”?

To start off our conversation, Jen shared her personal story of being on a TV show and feeling like she was living a lie. She realized that she was being seen as an inauthentic version of herself just to please others.

This led her to a severe depression and a journey of self-discovery. Jen’s mission now is to help people be seen for who they truly are and attract loyal customers and followers.

So, what does it mean to “be seen”? Well, in Jen’s words: it always starts with seeing YOURSELF and putting yourself out there.

Jen shared her own struggles with launching her book and the fear and imposter syndrome that come with it. (I’ve been there!)

She emphasized the importance of being open and honest about these challenges, as it’s easy to compare ourselves to others and think they have it all figured out. It’s okay to feel the fear and discomfort, but it’s crucial to keep moving forward and celebrating your progress.

The Impact of Imposter Syndrome

Imposter syndrome is a common struggle, especially for business owners, no matter how successful you may be. If you’re experiencing imposter syndrome, you’re not alone — Jen and I have BOTH been there! 

The key is to recognize that imposter syndrome is just fear disguising itself. A powerful tool Jen calls the “Badass List” is when you make a list of all the moments in your life where you felt amazing about yourself.

Reading this list out loud can remind you of your worth and boost your confidence… and allow you to truly “be seen.”

Cultivating Confidence And Envisioning Your Future

Something that was so fascinating to me was when Jen brought up the topic of “time travel.” In this context, Jen explained that time travel is about reprogramming your subconscious to feel and believe in the future version of yourself that you want to become.

By practicing feeling those future emotions now, you attract opportunities and take actions that align with your desired future. It’s about creating your own reality and believing in your ability to achieve your goals.

Jen also shared her confidence continuum, which is all about taking action with fear present. Confidence is built through consistently sticking to the commitments you make with yourself. It’s not about being 100% confident all the time, but rather being at 51% more often than not.

Each time you take action and follow through, you add a coin to your confidence bank. It’s a process of building self-trust and celebrating your wins, no matter how small.

Connect with Jen

There you have it, my friends! This episode was packed with valuable insights on embracing your true self, overcoming imposter syndrome, and building unshakable confidence.

Remember, you are not alone in your struggles, and it’s okay to feel fear. Take action, celebrate your wins, and keep moving forward. You have the power to create the life you want and be seen for who you truly are!

Connect with Jen on Instagram, via her website, listen to her podcast, and of course: grab a copy of her debut book, BE SEEN!

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  1. […] was listening to a podcast episode by Jenna Kutcher yesterday and she talked to her guest about creating a “Badass List.” A list of all the reasons […]



Before you get any further... Hi! I'm Jenna Kutcher!

I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to make a living doing what they love (without it taking over their life).  One of my favorite places to be is here, sharing what I'm learning with you. I'm glad you're here!



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