In Order to Pour into Others, We Must Fill Ourselves

January 27, 2016



Sometimes life can look like this. It’s easy to make a pretty post and a catchy caption and let people in just enough. Beyond this scene 18 women connected and let us in to the behind the scenes of the planned, staged, strategic squares and posts we choose to share with the world. So many of us are constantly attempting to pour into others: our clients, our family, our businesses, our community. We pour and pour, never taking time to refill, recharge, refuel. We deplete ourselves to the point of exhaustion and anxiety and convince ourselves that this is what it takes to be successful. In October I connected with creatives over tears and coffee, stories of love and loss, and the feelings we feel as human beings but are too afraid to admit.  If your life looks as perfect as these photos, then YAY! But if it doesn’t, know that it sometimes looks like lying in the hotel room bed ugly crying with mascara running down your face and a heart that is open, vulnerable and raw and that is okay too (and just as beautiful if you ask me!)

As business owners and human beings we often put ourselves last. We are so busy serving others that we put everyone and everything above ourselves, we forget that in order to be the best for everyone else, we need to be the best for ourselves. So often we run on empty, we feel guilt for taking a breather, but the Illume Retreat was created to remind us of the importance of slowing down, taking a step back, soaking in the sun and just finding rest. In October I spent a few days in Austin, Texas teaching, speaking, crying, and resting at the Illume Retreat with some of the best in the industry and it was an incredible retreat for everyone. We are coming together to do it all over again this April and I want you there with me!

“When was the last time you gave yourself the permission to rest? When did you last give yourself the okay to take a break, go on vacation, or just play a little? Take this post as a permission slip to refresh your soul. We so fully understand the importance of rest, play and inspiration in the life of a creative that we’ve built those components into the very curriculum of our all-inclusive retreats! Yes, we work hard, share openly and collaborate strategically to hone in on the very heart of your life’s best work. But we also make time for morning yoga, for poolside beverages, for playing with flowers and learning modern calligraphy. Most importantly, we come together to give ourselves the permission we need to pursue a brave new way of work and life, unlike anything we’ve ever know before. ” – Bonnie

Our early bird registration rate of $2,700 includes lodging for three nights at the beautiful Travaasa Austin, along with all meals, nonalcoholic beverages, five speaker sessions, four hands-on creative breakouts, small group discussions, individual reflection time, a private 50-minute massage and so much more! But this early bird rate only lasts through Thursday at midnight CST, y’all. Click here if you’re shaking your head and saying, YES!



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Before you get any further... Hi! I'm Jenna Kutcher!

I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to make a living doing what they love (without it taking over their life).  One of my favorite places to be is here, sharing what I'm learning with you. I'm glad you're here!



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